[Suggestion] Really need a way to zoom in my mini-map beyond pressing H

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Netsurfer733, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Netsurfer733

    I play infiltrator and honestly most of the time I use my recon device (which we have no other option other than to have on us at all times), I can never really get any useful information from it. I can't even tell if there are any red specs on my mini-map, even when I expand it by pressing H by default. Far too often I need to look right over my orange 'dot', and I'm so far zoomed out I'm not sure it's picking up red dots on top of it or just me/terminals/whatever other noise. If I could just zoom it in maybe 3-5x more, I could get *so* much more use out of it. Perhaps with Numpad + and Numpad -, as it typical for other mini-map using games on the PC?

    ...also I will point out that I think it may not be working at *all* a fair bit of the time, but that's somewhat of another issue. ...but please look into that to! (I know this because I hear/see people that are within range of my recon device, but to no avail - no red dots pop up)

    Thanks for reading.
    • Up x 3
  2. Gavyne

    I would also like to be able to see the continent map, but in a smaller version so I can still drive a vehicle or run while looking at where I'm going. Rather than what most people do now, stop in their tracks, pressing m, look, then go again. This has caused many highway crashes because people stop to look at their maps.
  3. TurboSax

    Agreed, a sort of closer-ranged mini-map setting or radar to compliment/replace the map would be incredibly useful.

    Although, I have seen a setting for mini-map zoom level in the UserOptions.ini file. We're allowed to mess with that file according to the devs, so maybe that's the secret? I'll give it a try myself in a bit when I get on.
  4. Andimar

  5. Hellkyte

  6. Dubious

    "H" dosent zoom, the map, you just see more..

    in PS1 there is 50, 100 and 200 meters, on the mini map, in PS2 it seems to be stuck on 200 meters
  7. powerz

    yea, i think this every single time i expand the minimap only to see the same tiny one just expanded rather than any real zoom to it.

    pressing H needs to actually zoom the map, not expand it to be even more detrimental to gameplay.
  8. Spiritualised

    Best suggestion ever :)
  9. Andimar