Real reason for WDS: To give out boosters to reduce sting of impening nerfs.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ThreePi, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. ThreePi

    Despite what many forum goers like to claim, SOE is not dumb. And I bet my bottom dollar that SOE knows full well how the World Domination Series would shake out before it even started. The TR will only pull further out ahead and NC will only fall further behind. Obviously we can sit here and debate about easymode weapons, argue DPS, TTK, organization and population issues until the cows come home. But at the end of this month will show a clear disparity in performance amongst the factions and SOE will use that as justification for buffs/nerfs. The boosters plus titles and whatnot are just a means to calm the inevitable anger over balance changes.

    edit - Dammit ThreePi, that's what you get for posting from your phone. A stupid spelling error in the title that you can't go backand edit.
  2. Mr_Giggles

    • Up x 3
  3. PieBringer

    Was about to ask someone to post this for me, thanks.