Re: Server Merge - time to quit the TR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Neuromancer

    ^I have no idea who from the Vindicators posted in the enclave forums that could have been, and haven't been in the enclave forums tonight to snoop. I've never been in V, and wouldn't likely recognize the fake name, but you can sort that out on your own. I'm sure TE has lots of spies in it. It's not exactly an exclusive club.


    ^Cyridius wanted it to be a buzz thread.

    ^Most normal gamers don't sit around making videos, and take time to edit their failures. especially those that are 38 years old. Do you honestly expect most PS2 players to record their games? Even buzz sold his capture card when he quit. Yep. Even he did. He even tried to sell it in his own forum at a price higher than ebay sells for.

    If you want to see times when TE failed, you can google it, or sign on with them and find out in person. Buzz doesn't fart rainbows, and he will take anyone that asks. It's not hard to go find out for yourself. Of course there are videos of him failing. His stream on twitch had many, before lots were deleted or edited, and he canceled his account. A simple google of them should work just fine. He cried about the VS a lot, and there is plenty of footage to occupy yourself with.

    ^No, I'm not a disgruntled member. I'm just giving a good record of what really happened. And yeah, TE was a zergfit. Buzz did well for what he accomplished in organizing a group of randoms into a fast response zerg. There is no doubting that. Calling his black members "ni**ers", his female members "who*res", his jewish members "k*kes", and his combat vets "baby killers", is another thing.

    That didn't make him better than other outfit leaders though. Just someone that craves attention.
  2. USD

    This has been an entertaining read. Rustled jimmies always crack me up.

    And no, you shouldn't quit the TR. I mean it only took a year for them to bring out Hossin, right? Eventually they'll get rid of some of the weaker TR traits, right? ......right?
  3. Arghy

    TR isn't doing that bad besides almost all of the waterson players being absurdly terrible--it feels like connery when i can pop in and out of a doorway and headshot 6 BR90+ TR dudes without any of them thinking, hey maybe we should attack him?

    Waterson NC is even worse, HOW CAN YOU GET TO BR100 AND STAND STILL IN COMBAT?!
  4. footjam

    It's funny how one could produce videos day in and day out but a few days or weeks if you will seemed to of gone missing. Check the streams they all said. They streams have been deleted we said. They glory they said.
  5. USD

    You would think another outfit would have video of one of these so called TE defeats. I mean buzz was the best streamer but he was hardly the only one.
  6. Cyridius

  7. TheFamilyGhost

    Your world view is sad.
  8. Swiftly

    I still consider myself somewhat of a new player. My highest is BR 28. I really enjoy my TR toon the most but I gotta say when I join a squad on NC or VS the leaders are actively giving direction, calling for reinforcements, specific classes etc.

    When I join a squad on TR, I either get total dead silence, or I get an entire outfit that talks about nothing related to PS2, generally talking about T&A like it is something they have never seen before.(Most likely the case)

    I would prefer to concentrate on my TR toon, but I also want to feel like I am accomplishing something for the Faction. Most of the time after joining 2-3 squads per night and getting the scenarios above I either just go solo, switch to a different faction, or log.
  9. WyrdHarper

    Come try running with 903. We're mostly focusing on getting ready for CC right now, but there should be room for you in our normal ops outside of that.
  10. WyrdHarper

    Gods above and below, I'm away for six weeks and apparently everything goes up on flames? How absurd. When I get back next week things will need to change. We've kicked bass with underpopulation before, no excuses not to keep doing it.

    The biggest issue with Mattherson TR was always a lack of good medium-size outfits. We have a few, but not nearly the amount VS has. Unfortunately, because of this, the primary experience in a group for public players was AOD. Now, while they at least have a platoon usually, the experience is often not too exciting, and they're renowned for tactical blunders that get themselves farmed and overpopping even fights. Now, they can also be a pretty good force, at least historically, but over time they withdrew from the rest of TR more and more as they lost some of their older leaders, so they gained a somewhat lesser reputation that's left overall relations somewhat neutral. They still give pubbies something to do, but many players want something a bit more. The one good thing TE did was give an alternative to AOD that was more tactical and fast-paced, so players had more choices, meaning they'd stick around more.

    Because of the numbers and publicness of these outfits, they limited recruiting of other smaller and medium outfits, which was fine up until the ZOE era and beyond when TR lost a lot of population. At this point, many of our old medium sized outfits declined. HNYB lost a lot of activity, I inherited ARID when the founder quit and eventually merged us into 903 (where my guys hold a number of officer positions and make up a good portion of our scrim team), VG became less active (and there was a period where 903 and VG had bad blood), 903 lost activity until we started running publics again and openly recruiting again in January, EXOC imploded or something, BWC lost numbers, and most of us were bringing in few new recruits for a very long time because we always had less than 30% populatoon, and most public players got sucked up into AOD platoons (and props to AOD for running public ops at the time, but they have a low retention rate compared to other outfits).

    TR never really recovered on our own from that, and we've been holding a very fine line ever since. There's an undue amount of pressure on a few leaders to keep things working, and that wears our faction down as we. We desparately need more good, natural leaders stepping up, and we really need platoon improvements and companies so our leaders can more easily lead bigger public groups, because finding a second platoon leader right now can be very tough. I would just say this: If you've never led before, try it. You might be terrible, but you might also be just good enough. We also need to try and encourage newer TR outfits with potential to grow into something bigger.