Rarest weapons in the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by huller, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Regpuppy

    The stats they buffed aren't going to make any appreciable difference. You have to take the vanguard shotgun and put it up against the other options available.

    First, there's the pinpoint accurate basilisk that can murder infantry at mid range with a good gunner. Then there's the fury which absolutely devastates infantry in general.With the fury, the skill floor is pretty low. It's a rapid fire grenade launcher, so you only need to know a bit of how the drop works to start killing infantry.

    Even some of the AT options can fill in for it in a pinch and still do moderately or better than it.

    I mean, how many people do you see using it compared to the enforcer or the halberd?
  2. Lucidius134

    Basilisks haven't been pinpoint accurate in a long time. They did get recently buffed but they still have an innate bullet spread on all shots.


    Again, a problem with the balance. Explosives are always a better option over using bullets.

    You also forgot to mention the Kobalt and the M40 isn't available on MBTs.
  3. P4NJ

    Renegade shotgun. Did that thing even make it into the game?
  4. Regpuppy

    Excuse me on the mistake, I meant the Kobalt. Which, yes, it is available on MBT's and it is laser accurate. It's also less than half the price of the Vanny shotgun to boot. Once you get above the skill floor, it'll outright surpass the Vanny shotgun in every way.

    That being said, the default -is- effective enough with a decent gunner. Even moreso than the Vanny shotgun when on the move. Staying still, the Vanny shotgun can more easily hit close up targets, but so can the other two AI options and the Halberd.

    I think the Vany shotgun could make a fairly good suppression based weapon if they simple increased spread, lowered per pellet direct damage, and added explosions centered on each pellet, like the description would have you believe.

    As for the Fury, that's my bad. My mind drifted to the Harasser on this one.
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  5. Hoki

    This is hard to judge because infiltrators have so many overlapping weapons that do the same goddamn thing.

    We have 3 bolt action sniper rifles, and the biggest difference is bullet drop (which is just something you get used to), arbitrarily limited sight attachments, and rof.
    Now each of them are better at different ranges, so ultimately you can consider Bolt Actions as one really expensive gun.

    Ditto for the semi-auto sniper rifles. Pretty much the same gun varying mostly by an arbitrarily limited sight attachment, its just a gun thats twice as expensive as other guns. Scope sway on both of these is what truly prevents them from being utilized. I'll compare them to the scout rifle. Cliffnotes is that because the TTK of the semi-autos and scout rifles are nearly identical, the scope sway and atrocious hipfire make semi-autos VERY niche indeed.

    The fully auto scout rifles are all nerfed NS-11As, if people are using them, well they aren't the worst guns.

    Scout rifles are what you would use instead of the semi-autos. For both the semi-autos and the scout rifles silencers aren't a terrible idea because if you aren't within 15m, the TTK remains the same with a silencer on these.
    Scout rifles differ primarily by not being worthless in close quarters, its got a not terrible hip fire, and the laser sight makes the hipfire pretty good actually. So it sort of doubles as a semi-auto shotgun with slugs.
  6. Hoki

    The only reason the kobalt isn't used more is because people follow cookie tank builds and try to replicate the infantry farming videos they saw on youtube.

    It really doesn't make any sense because the kobalt is by far the most devastating anti-infantry weapon a tank has, even moreso than HE turret.
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  7. SgtScum

    Kobalt on a flash is great fun. Tbh I prefer it to the fury when cruising the outside of larger fights due to the long range laser accuracy and quick ttk on both infantry and max.

    My battle rifle(eidolon) though is now my least used weapon since the scope sway mega nerf effectively negated all it buffs and turned it back into a liability..
  8. Roy Teppert

    You think decoy grenades are useless? I get so many kills with my cqc infiltrator with them. Throw them somewhere, watch as all the enemies run towards the gunfire, then come up from behind and mow em all down. I get huge killstreaks doing this. Or if you're attacking with your team, you can throw them on the opposite side from where you're attacking from and watch as the enemy divides his forces chasing down ghosts. Then your team pushes forward and wipes out the divided force.

    They take skill to use and may not seem useful for your average mouth-breather, but in the right hands they are absolutely devastating.
  9. vulkkan

    According to the ps2-stats.com website, the KSR-35 is the least used infantry weapon, but its kills per hour is extremely competitive with top-end bolt-actions. I would also say the Enforcer Modified and Renegade shotgun are the two rarest vehicle guns. I think I've been killed by both about once.
  10. Linedan

    The Warden, the NC battle rifle. Just...ugh. A slug shotgun works better in that medium-range pseudo-sniping space.

    The Enforcer C85 Modified. Gee, let's put a launcher on a Vanguard's secondary slot that fires canister rounds with an effective range of about, uh, six meters. Was Higby watching a documentary about the Civil War and heard somebody yell "Give 'em a whiff of the ol' grape(shot)!"? It's not 1863 and this ain't the Devil's Den, dude.

    The Gauss Saw S. For people who are so lazy they can't lift their finger off the mouse button to burst-fire. (Now in fairness, I run with the Gauss Compact S on my engi and LA, but I never use the burst mode. I have that gun for the underbarrel attachments, because grenades.)

    Grinders. Every MAX guy I know either goes for Hacksaws, Mattocks, or sticks with the default Scattercannons.

    Bolt-action sniper rifles for NC only (since TR/VS use them as default).
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  11. Vanon

    yea i tried it again. 70 shots to blow up a magrider, 5 shots to kill a dummy infantry in VR standing still. It's got no bloom, but the pellets are completely random. at 30 meters, aiming directly at a VR medics head, it took a full clip to kill. It will be competetive if the pellets exploded and did .5 or 1 meter indirect AoE damage... like 50 or 100 per pellet. It took it out to Esimir just to make sure. It's 3 second reload + 225 muzzle velocity made it so you could get hit markers but never a kill. It's most likely the worst gun in the game.
  12. Vanon

    Actually i find the walker a better anti infantry then the kobolt. They kill about the same, however the walker can damage tanks and of course is great against air.
  13. Lucidius134


    You're doing it wrong. Also, aim for center mass. Agreed on the AOE though.
  14. Regpuppy

    It really is, but to be fair. The kobalt does require a minimum amount of skill with it to be effective. It's pinpoint accuracy is a blessing and a curse in this regard. Because you either hit or miss. No cone of fire or explosive radius to use as a safety net. The halberd is also a solid compromise between being able to oneshot infantry and being useful against tanks, now that the empire specific AT weapons are more specialized.

    The Furies TR brother (marauder) is also a low skill floor beast that can do some damage to armor as well. I don't think I'd be able to justify picking kobalt over it as my tanks secondary gun, if I had the option. The fury/marauder are just so easy to murder infantry with it's not even funny. Just a few near hits and blam, dead.

    As NC though, the kobalt is a solid choice just because there's really no better pure AI option. Vanny shotgun is a rarity for a reason, afterall.
  15. SgtScum

    The bullets do tend to spread a bit at range. About enough to cover a door and always hit anything coming out.

    Two kobalts firing into the same door is quite lethal to anyone trying to sprint out.
  16. Rodinvac

    I've seen it being used once by a guy with Wraith-Flash: I heard him approach me and jumped away when he uncloaked just in time to avoid most of his first shot and ended up too far to the side for him to hit me with any follow-up shots.
    Then I emptied my gun in his face and blew up his Flash.
    Haven't seen another one yet. :p
  17. NC_agent00kevin

    No. I have a Kolbalt on mine, and I certainly am not hip nor cool. Its very effective for flanking enemy infantry pockets though. Ive also shot down (finished off) a couple mossies with it. Definitely great on a Vanguard.

    The canister shotty on the Vanguard generallt blows, but when you are in tight quarters with LA flying all over trying to rain C4 on your parade, its awesome. Very situational secondary though.

    Seen battle rifles listed a few times here; I use The warden when playing Engineer at times. Main weapon is the NS-11c, but Warden is equipped often enough. Its even been good enough for sniping snipers. I would recommend nothing more than a 4x on it; As far as I go is 2x myself. Theres a time and place for it; use it out of context and its junk though.
  18. Vanon

    I tried that as well. The problem is, a fully upgraded mod enforcer with 2k certs in it still has serious problems landing hits let alone kills because of how random the spread is and the CoF. Though your right, it doesn't bloom, the original CoF is bad enough that it hardly matters. You really gotta be right next to the guy for it to work, which means C4. Perhaps that's the best use for it, to be able to get close and have your gunner picking off LA's with C4 trying to get your tank, but litterly every other weapon avaliable is better. Keep in mind, i'm the guy who has an infanite smoke setup. I'll try to make anything work. This is just not viable. I'm not super pissed a bout it, as we have a few more then viable alternatives like enforcers, walkers and halberds. It would be nice if it was viable one day.

    For it to be viable now, i would say either add 10 rounds to the clip and increase the damage slightly, or tighten up the cone even more so that you can reliably hit at 50 meters, where most AI tank combat ends up taking place. Keep in mind the kobolt is a laser beam at any distance. It has to be atleast on par with that or the basalisk to be viable.