Rant on the population(Video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by r.Tek, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Tekinette

    I'm sorry your video doesn't make sense.. How is going on a continent where there's no more land to take and where the enemy is underpopulated supposed to be an easy way to get certs ? Nobody to kill and no land to take = 0 certs.

    Now the fact that sometimes factions own a continent is going to be fixed, they'll actually be able to conquer an entire continent and they'll own it for a while, so fights will be fierce on the remaining ones...

    Anyways for now I find the lack of real goals boring but once you can conquer continents + the other updates coming it should get better, I also like the fact that you can join a dominating fight or be the underdog, you can usually find a squad/platoon for any continent so it's fine.

    P.S : My computer is +4 years old and I can play on High, most people forget that only the people having issues are going to post about it on the forum, the silent majority is doing fine.
  2. Hodo

    A bit off topic, but this is driving my military mind nuts.

    If your going to end a statement with OUT, then you should not have a P.S. afterwords.

    "Out" is used to end communications, there will be no follow-up message after this.

    What you should be saying is "Over". This would mean that you are waiting for a response.

    Or "Break" if you are not done with your message and need to break up the communication for whatever reason (commsec or letting other traffic go through).
    • Up x 1
  3. r.Tek

    The fact that the TR have two maps has absolutely nothing to do with other factions not properly spreading out their players nor is it some type of victory for us either.

    The problem is there aren't any players online!

    There are not enough people to where you can properly spread your troops across all three continents. This was very much possible during launch week because tons of people were playing and the game was extremely active. Now days, not so much.

    Let's say each faction some how managed to spread their players evenly over each continent. This does nothing to solve many of the issues caused by low populations including ghost hacks, lack of large scale battles, etc. Even though the populations are "even", that doesn't necessarily mean a lot of people are online either.

    Another issue I meant to raise in the video is the lack of indication of just how many people are online per continent. I'd like some type of indicator that gives you an idea of the populations of each faction on a specific continent. An addition like this would help people determine where their faction needs them the most. Instead of attempting to rely on vague percentages and "Enemy Activity" statuses for each region, you'd have an idea of roughly how many enemies are on that continent which will help determine how many reinforcements you will need in order to compete there.

    Better yet, these indicators will help you to decide whether or not coming to this continent is a waste of time or not. No one wants to play on a dead continent!
  4. Opapanax

    I think you missed something..

    Ooops.. here we go


    I must of outsmarted you with my dry remark to him..
  5. multifactionserver

    Dont forget, if for some reason this is not possible you can always just faction switch on the same acct
  6. CitizenSoldier

    Pull your head out, Smed!
  7. Superdano

    I logged on Connery(VS) today, and we had an average of 11% across all 3 continents. The patch didn't help anything, and like normal is full of bugs and crashes. I have been finding it harder and harder to log into PS2, due to population issues. Please allow a merger, or server transfers....
  8. ShriekXL

    Bullocks. I get more certs when I'm on the "losing" continent than following the herd in the "winning" continent.

    People should just grow some balls already. Tired of today's MMO-mindset.
    • Up x 2
  9. iller


    Spam Autos in CQC and cause tons of flinching that your opponent can't shoot back through while getting tons of headshots without aiming. ...it's really easy to fix too. Just scale the flinching to actual damage done then get rid of headshotting from Autos at point plank range.

    points to take into consideration indeed. I can understand where you're coming from and yeah, it does suck when everyone's flocking to the winning zone for cert farming and the sole purpose of efficiency. although efficiency is good, it's that tricky fine line between that and making the sacrifice to be in those less efficient but epic desperate battles that beget awesome stories and more involved community interaction. Planetside 2 has, excuse the pun, massive potential, but it needs much more work to be done. it is what it currently is, but it could do so much better. all the debate n' complaint threads across the three PS2 boards go in a circle (somewhat) around a center that is the questionable decisions, work focus, game play execution and lacking incentives of the official launch of PS2. like you said r.Tek, if they don't hunker down and work on the pertinent issues now, that 6-month plan may not mean anything. but on the other side of the coin, it must be a helluva lot of work right now to get that all settled since they decided to release what, a month earlier? (Dec. 31 or so was where PS2 used to be slated for launch iirc) so, despite the seemingly positive mass media and industry reception of PS2, they must still be in scramble mode back in HQ in relation to the decision to launch earlier.

    I can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst, and try to help bring exposure to threads, comments, observations, etc. of the community at large of matters/issues that have the potential to really hurt the game (like this one). I would love for all FPS gamers from all games, all walks of life to have Planetside 2 in their game rotation, to experience different situations and encounters. not to get too mushy but I get quite sad when gaming communities I'm in lose players and such. I just wanna spread the love of the game and community... with high velocity ordnance across many, many targe- I mean players.

    and for all intents and purposes, we all just may be wrong and Planetside 2 will be amazingly strong in the following years and we were all just panicky. who knows, but I wish for PS2 to live long and prosper.
  11. Remeus

    ok I play TR on Waterson which seems to have a bad rep for heavy TR population. I can tell you this is untrue and mostly depends on what time of day you are on. Morning to early afternoon GMT TR has half the population of NC and one third the population of VS, or maybe the other way around, either way the TR was outnumbered roughly 2-1 and 3-1.
  12. Zinn

    I agree with the OP vid but the fundemental problems IMO is that anyone can play for any faction at all times and that the game is currently way too big for the population it holds. I usually play on Ceres EU, a server with a fairly even population spread and generally a good bit of people online: Even with these things in favor of a balanced conflict, the results are basically the same as in the OP video, although less extreme. There are 3 continents and not enough people to fight on all of them, so one map is virtually empty while two others are fought on (usually Indar is pretty intense and Esamir about half full). Likewise, because there are 3 maps, 3 factions and a fairly even population spread, every single day ends with Indar on TR hands, Esamir on Vanu hands and Amerish on NC hands. I don't think this result has changed once since I started playing.

    OP is also correct about the way people farm certs: Sure, it's not something I'd want to waste my time with in general but if you have a single platoon capping a fairly empty map, you can still get 100+ certs in a reasonable amount of time. Certainly not as quickly as doing well at The Crown or a similar place with a massive battle, but on the other hand, capping doesn't affect your stats negatively either. There's no getting an 8 people kill streak only to die 5 times at spawn because the team didn't bother shooting the lightning tank that peeks up behind the Sunderer every now and then. It's essentially completely stat-free but time consuming certs that lets you unlock things without making yourself look like an idiot in the process: And considering people would happily go full bush-wookie in a game like BF3 and snipe from 1100m while doing nothing for the team, but got a nice K/D (5/0 might not be much but it's a way better ratio than 20/11), I wouldn't be surprised seeing the same happen here.

    Either the servers need to hold a much higher max population or the map numbers/size has to go down. Another solution could be hardcapping the number of people allowed on each map for each faction and never allowing more than X% advantage (say 40% limit, so it would be 40/30/30 - A significant but not impossible-to-overcome advantage). As far as the guy saying we should organize goes, it's incredibly hard to do and generally a waste of time in the end. Sure, a platoon of 25-40 randoms can do a lot of good work on a map but once people start logging off, we're back to the population advantage winning it for the dominant team again.

    At least that's my 2 cents for the current situation.
  13. Vashyo

    So little people playing even on peak times, and the sides are allways stacked in favor for 1 side on each continent, grrrrrr..........

    My server is woodman, never goes over medium pop. Seeing enemies is rare unless you go for Crown day after day.