Random detonation of Proximity Mines?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by TokyoShoe, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. TokyoShoe

    Fellow Vanu Engineers,
    Ever have your Proximity Mines randomly explode.. with no one near them? I just earned the certs and got these little monsters this morning. I have the TR equivalent on my previous engineer (Claymores) and those worked as advertised, always behaved. With these Vanu Proximity Mines however, it seems that they will randomly trigger and detonate and I won't even be standing NEAR them. No shooting in the area, no one walking over them, nada.

    To make matters worse, if you place two of them within a certain range one detonating will set off the other one. Is this a constant bug, or just a freak occurrence of architecture in some buildings?

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  2. Harry Beavers

    There is a bug which triggers them if they are near an enemy corpse so never place them near a body. Also mines are made to detonate when shot or struck with aoe damage from explosions so be mindful of where you place them. Never place 2 proximity mines next to each other unless you are trying to kill someone rocking several points in flak armor, MAXES, etc.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Flak Armor certed to 50% reduction will allow someone to survive a proximity mine.
  3. Ryekir

    You don't even need to fully cert Flak armor for that (which is currently 25% until next patch which will be 50%), but I am unsure of the exact amount. Additionally, heavies with their overshield active will survive your mines as well, and I am told that if you sprint over them properly you can avoid the blast (though I have yet to actually witness this).
  4. Harry Beavers

    Yeah it's possible for them to survive while sprinting which is silly imo.
  5. Udnknome

    Unless they run directly over them. The damage decreases from the center of the blast when detonated much like a rocket.
  6. TokyoShoe

    Thanks so much for the detailed info, chaps!

    • I actually didn't know about the corpse bug and I can most definitely say that this is what I'm seeing. Kill someone holding a cap point, drop a proximity mine (too close to the corpse I just made) and some 10 seconds later BOOM.
    • I knew an HA could survive with their Overshield running, unfortunately from first hand experience.
    • I did not know you could sprint over one and survive. I will have to test this out somehow.
    Thanks again for the info!