Railjack Impressions from a non-sniper.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Wrel, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. kaolla

    too bad the only good thing i see in this update is the repair of the EMP, but then the decoy is still forgoten, did they cancel the bolt attachement too?
  2. Vivicector

    The most funny point for me is that NC are so angry about charge-up time, while VS get this crap for Lancer, Vortex, Phaseshift and have to live with it.

    Talking about the video, yep. The point is totally valid.
  3. Baracuda

    Except VS get an option for semi-auto for all of those, NC don't have that option.
  4. kaolla

    there is a difference still, VS charge start when you press the button and fire when released ( also they give you something, more dmg with using more ammo, that would be nice on railjack too), so you still decide when you fire, on railjack there is no "benefit" of the charge up and you don't have control of it
  5. Goretzu

    Well I think it is probably a slightly worse Longshot, there a tiny amount of instances where it would be better, but generally the Longshot will be as good or (more likely) better. It certainly requires a slightly different style to the Longshot, but still (IMO) ends up slightly worse over all (if you are equally good with both).

    The only ranges that it would genuinely be better at are ranges that effectively don't exist in PS2.

    I honestly thought the 10 shot mag was the trade off to the delay..... but nope apparently it was a "bug" (that just happened to help sell a load of them :D ).
  6. Goretzu

    Well it is a fire delay not a charge-up time; they are similar, true, but with important differences.

    The Railjack with a Phaseshift type charge-up time would be a better and more flexible weapon.
  7. Clandestine

    So disappointed with Railjack damn its feels so off
  8. Baccano

    Hopefully with more use of the rifle a clearer picture will emerge.
  9. Meliorist

    I share the OPs thoughts. As someone who has never been good at sniping in this game, I did surprisingly well with the railjack. I think its unique delay mechanic is definatly something you need to get used to, maybe something that goes against the habits of veteran snipers.

    I also have the problem with my hand cramping up after pressing the fire button, causing me to botch up following the target during those 0.2seconds. Maybe something you have to practice. Either way I'm going to try and see if I can free up my mouse hand by firing with the keyboard instead of a mouse click, might be the trick to unlock this weapons potential.
  10. ManicUndies

    Fair enough, but the big problem that remains is that it's a bandaid to the rifle being OP. To be honest, in the test server, it was in fact OP, no doubt about it. But adding a delay with no testing or feedback caught everyone off guard. As others have proposed, even a a legitimate charge up mechanic would be more acceptable than the current lag-mimicking delay. See, because then you get a choice. The Phaseshift gives you the choice of charging up, peeking from cover and firing. Some might say, "Poppycock, .2 seconds is nothing!" Sure, but in a heated sniper battle between two veteran snipers, often times that .2 seconds of being exposed could make the difference.

    I think you should always think of the end-game player when balancing a weapon or establishing a mechanic, especially for a side-grade weapon. Something that you need to unlock, whether that be with certs or sc, should be tailored for a more advanced user seeking something better, not a rework that requires them to re-learn how to snipe. The fact that you share the OP's opinion about this is evidence of that. I'm not bashing you or anything, because I understand that sniping is a specific skillset that needs to be learned. Plus, considering how little of an overall effect on the battlefield sniping makes, it's pretty much just a self serving/KD padding technique to possess. (I say this because, tactically, I'll choose an in-your-face heavy assault over a hill top sniper to take a base any day.) Medics and reasonably easy respawns make sniping obsolete as it is. So to alter it drastically, like SOE has done, is just a bit of a slap in the face.

    IMO, I feel bad for anyone who's blown their certs or SC on the Railjack. Maybe if it kept the 10 round mag, I would've considered it. But it was clearly a bug as a buff that big just couldn't be possible. In the end, the sniper rifle update left a sour taste in my mouth (though I'm loving the Vandal).
  11. ManicUndies

    However, I think we can all agree that the TR got the short end of the stick here.
  12. Astraka

    And here I am thinking the TRAP was the best of the three.
    • Up x 1
  13. slipnitz

    Still, a good gun...(for me, that is) ;)
  14. Nephi1im

    As Astraka said, it is by far the best of the three. Granted, not much of a sniper rifle, but it is ridiculous in close/medium range. According to the devs it is outperforming the other two.
    • Up x 1
  15. ManicUndies

    Hmm, interesting. I honestly don't really see it affect the battlefield much. But I could see how it would be more popular as it offers something different from the other rifles.
  16. Astraka

    This is one of the reasons I like the TRAP so much. We already have four bolt action sniper rifles per faction, and two (lackluster) semi auto sniper rifles. The last thing I think the Infiltrator needed was another blasted sniper rifle (or SMG, for that matter). Unlike the TRAP, the Phaseshift & RailJack don't bring anything new to the table, just a slight tweak of old designs.

    The TRAP is what I wanted the Shadow to be - an accurate, controllable, and lethal mid range weapon. And while the Vandal satiates my desires somewhat by being everything the Shadow isn't, I'd still really love to have something like the TRAP instead of another flipping bolt action.
  17. Meliorist

    No no I understand. In ever meant to imply sniping is in a good spot, only that the railjack isn't bad compared to other sniper rifles. I'd even agree that with the same time and effort you could be racking in more kills (probably more deaths to) in the thick of battle instead of sniping. More so sniping is very rarely useful to your faction in that battle, and mostly serves to pad your k/d.

    This is an unfortunate consequence of how fast reviving and respawning is, making killing by itself mostly a waste of time (yours and the person you killed), and frustrating to your opponent. Since everyone can be back into the fight in a matter of seconds the best strategy to win a fight is to constantly advance and take ground, ultimately driving the enemy back to his spawn (and destroying it in case of sunderer, or camping it in case of spawn). Sniping has very little place in this picture.

    I suppose sniping could be made more useful by increasing respawn times. But that's a rather drastic change, and one that would sit particularly bad with players looking for more of a 'high action shooter'.
  18. Wrel Developer

    I'm not doubting your experience or anything here, but I'm curious. Why would you be holding your breath that long before pulling the trigger? The delay mechanic gives you time to adjust your aim, meaning that you can even start holding your breath either during or just before the trigger pull, and still have a perfectly accurate shot.
  19. kaolla

    for me it would be part of always paying with the stock and longshot, ( and with a non gamer mouse) using most breath time to make a perfect aim ( even if for some reason when shouting from above aiming to the head don't count as a headshot but body shot)

    and fact that the delay is too short for me to use it ( haven't "learn" it duration yet maybe).

    also like some other say when i shout it is the moment to shout. ( and trial with stock scope don't help to make a good trial maybe).

    sorry for my bad english =^.^=
  20. TheAnnoyingGunner

    The Railjack has to be used correctly, as every other sniper rifle too. Also being a sniper takes more than just cloak and a sniper rifle, it is about searching for an excellent sniping position, getting there without being detected, getting OHK on unsuspecting enemies (taking out key personal like engineers and medics, destroying mines and beacons) and switching position often. But most people are no snipers, especially the TR and VS seem to prefer semi-automatic rifles. And they use it like a full-auto, with sniping it has as much in common like using a Vulcan. It will maybe kill your target, but hey, there goes your cover.

    The benefit of the Railjack is it's supreme firepower over long distance. Put a 12x magnification on top and on 300m the bullets impact is at the first dot below the crosshair. Whoever is using the Railjack with a silencer hasn't gotten the point of the rifle, at it's effective range you don't use silencers and you don't need them. Also, it is relatively quiet compared to a Longshot, especially on mid-range the sound isn't as dominant. The delay itself is not a big burden if used on long range, it just feels clunky. But at short range, this delay will make you miss moving targets for sure.

    As NC using the Railjack on 250-300m, you don't have to fear hostile snipers at your target area, as most VS and TR snipers are not suited for that distance, you could just stand there and they wouldn't hit you with their first shot. Giving you enough time to cloak and change position.