[BUG] Ragequitting repeatedly.. suggested spawn

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Auzor, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Auzor

    Here's the thing.. NC on indar, in a platoon.

    Trying to capture "Quartz Ridge camp" ( about middle of map left side)
    NC is attacking from south, so the camp is 'below us'.

    Several platoon people inside the camp, platoon sundy's , and the platoon waypoint placed over Quartz Ridge camp. Didn't move at any point.

    My default spawn repeatedly spawns me at idiotic locations, one idiotic example that I managed to avoid was "regent rock garrison". NB: It was NC owned, was not under attack, did not have platoon/squad waypoint over it.. and the next base in the lattice was NC owned it seemed to me.

    I am aware that SoE can't encode a "hello world" program if it would save your life but seriously.. stop making me spend time redeploy.. select a base bit closer.. redeploy again.. repeat until I'm back at the base closest to my last death..

    The worst part is, there is zero warning for where you're going to spawn.
    I repeatedly used the autospawn seeing things like "Sundy 292m" thinking OK, that's probably a close-by sundy.
    WROOONG! That indication is clearly not based on where I bit the bullet.. because I suddenly spawn at a sunderer at broken arch road. SEVERAL THOUSAND METERS away. Hit redeploy. Next possible spawn is.. xenutech labs. Can't reach vanu archives?? Not under attack? So, redeploy, redeploy, redeploy.. and suddenly I can select the sundy at quartz ridge camp.
    Similar crap happened repeatedly..
    Squad deploy wasn't an option because the squad leader was going into .. well, where-ever. No comms, no squad beacon? -> Don't care.

    One I saw "sunderer 11m". Sounds pretty great huh? I thought awesome, I can finish oh the prowler I got burning. (engies were repairing ofc). I wasn't in a squad, platoon /whatever.
    That "11m" takes me to a sundy placed in the "safe" zone below the biolab.
    Again, away from the mbt I was shooting rockets at.

    I can completely understand that SoE staff wants to spend holidays at home etc.
    Here's the thing though: QUICKSPAWN as a mechanic is undesired IMO; don't suggest any spawn location at all is fine for me.
    BUT: don't give me completely incorrect info. That is never, ever acceptable. You leave this crap as is, but hey, at least people can run around with a knife now..

    if it happens once it's fine.. but it just happens again & again..
    then my "active mission" changes, whilst I'm at Quartz Ridge camp.. no longer am I attacking Quartz Ridge camp, nono, suddenly my mission is to attack some base 2200+ meters away. Platoon beacon still at the base, no squad beacon.. if it would be something important like a Bio-lab, or a techplant.. but nope.
    Of course, next "quickspawn" to a sunderer at 150m takes me to a different sundy, suddenly fighting Vanu apparently.. that is not close to Quartz Ridge, but also no where near the "2200 meter" objective.. just.. WTF

    TL; DR: F you SoE.
  2. GoyoElGringo

    Your TL;DR is useless.
    • Up x 2
  3. Ragnarox

    Yea I have same problems... respawn point chosen -> klick and bam I am like 1k meters away from my point of choosing. That thing happens often. Its like 20% chance that i will end up somewhere else instead of chosen point.
  4. Stromberg

    I don't know what "suggested" spawn is. I always double-click on the map to spawn rather than choosing from the list.
    but this is not the same thing:
    that happens if your chosen spawn location gets destroyed shortly before or while you're spawning. it should spawn you at the closest base by lattice in this case.
  5. Ragnarox

    Nope, I am talking about bases. And theres a bug when I choose next spot to respawn and it automatically change to something else in 2sec.
  6. Movoza

    You do know you can go to the map screen, and you can spawn just as quickly in the suggested base there as in the death screen? So you can just go to the map screen, and check if the quick deploy option is really the choice for you, or wait for the spawn you would really want.
    I do it nearly always, and I don't get any of this "I didn't spawn at my intended location" crap. I spawn where I want, even if it takes a few seconds longer sometimes. It saves so much frustration over redeploying multiple times that I don't know why people are too lazy to check their spawn.