Ragdoll physics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Timothy Pearson, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Timothy Pearson

    I remember hearing about this about a year ago. There was talk of it happening, but there would be a few downsides like server performance. Does anyone still want this feature or would it be too hard to implement
  2. Eternaloptimist

    I don't know what this is but nothing that reduces server perofrmance can be worth, surely?
  3. Zombo

    well if it reduces server performance, which it would definitely do (and not in a small scope), since the movement of the ragdoll has to be synchronized between cllients, i wouldn't count on this happening, ever

    i also think it's not really worth it, since the only thing this would be usefull for would be immersion, which PS2 is allready pretty bad with
  4. FieldMarshall

    RIP CPU.
    RIP clientside when the ragdolls pile up on your screen but not on the enemy's.
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  5. Pikachu

    It took them 2 years to give flash proper physics. I think adding ragdoll physics would be dangerous.
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  6. Zombo

    imagine how Crossroads would look like when the corpses would bug out and not vanish until server restart...
  7. Nregroepis

    Sounds like they'll just be needing something that detects and de-spawns the dead body if the limbs are swinging faster and/or extending longer than a set limit before it crashes the game I pay AA subscription for.
  8. Meeka

    Technically, they could do it without impacting server performance all that significantly... all they would have to do is rag doll the arms and legs clientside, and only track the torso. The limbs can be in different locations on different clients and it wouldn't impact game play, they'd just need to know the XYZ of the body torso for medics to revive... and even the rotation wouldn't matter, as long as the body itself is in the same spot.
  9. SamReye

    Ragdolls are the bane of my performance, especially if they have collisions o_o