R.I.P. T7 Mini Chaingun, you will be sorely missed :(

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Owen W., Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Kunavi

    Someone here's playing too much JetPack Joy-Ride ;P I won't point fingers though!
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  2. WarmasterRaptor

    *points fingers*
  3. Akeita

    It's nanites system comics made by kogoros in off topic session, you can find more there, just for fun, don't be so serious~
  4. Regpuppy

    You're definitely reading too much into this one. It's merely making fun of the weapon sounds themselves. (the "fart" sound of a minigun and the pew pew generic lazor sound of some VS guns)
  5. Maljas23


    I wasn't serious guys.
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  6. Stormsinger

    I think this is one case where introducing real concepts into the game might actually be beneficial. See those attachments? They do things, model them. You don't have to give them to the player all at once, one or two would be great.
    Drive motor = more fire rate,
    Flash suppressor = obvious. You dont even need to wait for the flash to flip with one of these. :p
    Fire control unit = more accuracy, or perhaps faster spinup.
    Spade grips - faster weapon swap / ADS mode entry

    This is what the gun needs to be modeled after.

    Also, it needs to start OUT innacurate, and become more accurate as it fires... not the other way around. Miniguns become more accurate as they fire, not less.

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