R.I.P Air gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yessme, May 3, 2015.

  1. Yessme

    Long Long time i Play Air (most Dogfights)
    I played Air, there wasn`t Coyote aviable and locks was very UP.
    Fire Suppression was that best ever and u got instand 25% Hp.

    Than, they chanced FS, i can handle it
    They bring Coyotes, i can handle it
    they buffed A2A locks, i was angry (coz i don`t wan`t to Play a noob game) but can handle it.
    they nerfed lolpods, no Problem for me.
    now they Chance Flycontroll. i tryed it,

    'But all These things together rip airgameplay .
    I know many new Player Try now to fly, and i wold say it`s good for my K/D
    but i miss the funn, like old days.
    many good pilots leav, old friends, i know them over 2 years.
    on the Sky only ganking, and if they use locks, that`s no funn.
    i stoped playing air, and start Play ground (Medic and have K/D 2-3), but after a while is boring.
    Air Play was the only Thing for me was make much funn, and i still hope DEVs bring back a littel bit old funn...
  2. FateJH

    I'm trying very hard to make this rhyme but it's just not working.
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  3. Liewec123

    when controls change, just stick with it, you'll adapt and within a month you won't even notice a difference.
    its pretty much the exact same thing whenever you get a new mouse or keyboard.
    i saw someone recently uploaded a dogfighting video, carrying on, so clearly its not the end of the world!

    i fly once and a while and yes it does feel different, but not majorly, anyone who flies a lot should adjust to it in no time.
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  4. Mr Ixolate

    Honestly Been flying since before the changes and even though I hate A2A locks and ganking I haven't noticed a huge change, I'd suggest you give it a try before quitting flying for good.

    Also Liewec that sig is....
  5. FieldMarshall

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  6. Merlock

    The controls made me quit actually, flying isn't fun anymore atleast not for me, and I tried infantry for a couple of days but it bored the hell out of me.

    I predicted it though but yeah I did indeed quit too because of Daybreak's need to change the controls
  7. H0urg1ass

    I visit the forums and see all the tears about aircraft, then I launch the game and die several times a day to aircraft. ESF's specifically.

    Feels to me like there's a bunch of ForumSide crybabies out there that just can't adapt like the good players seem to have.
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  8. Merlock

    Theres a difference between being not good enough to adapt or losing the fun in the game while adapting, while I lost the fun in the game and therefor do not see a reason to play

    PS: The real struggle is in the A2A combat not A2G so there should barely be a difference in dying to aircraft while on the ground.
  9. Czarinov

    Do you know they've just changed controls to OLD ONES (or very close at least)?

    even with previous patch a lot of pilots including me adapted. And guess what, we still would do fun dogfights same as before... It took me 1 hour full of dogfights to adapt. Was it unpleasant at first? Yes. Was it fun-breaking? For an hour.

    Other than that it was still fun, maybe a bit different, but still fun none the less. Skill stayed important. I understood the frustration perfectly, when they pushed the patch, and myself complained a lot. But not because of "jeez, controls too bad, airgame is killed, all skill is gone", but because of misinformation and surprise.

    And right now the very similar to old controls are back and people are still creating threads like this.
  10. Czarinov

    What I'm saying is - GIVE it a chance. Right now it's gotten better (if you found old controls better). Doesn't matter who quits, there will be new pilots who will get good and there will be challenge and fun. You won't find anything similar to PS2 airgame anyway, might as well give it more effort ;)
  11. GhostAvatar

    I haven't seen this many tears since ZOE. Just goes to show what sky knights are really like. And I for one am glad the devs are not pandering to these guys any more.
  12. rncRET

    Good riddance. I am not a pilot, so when I jump into an esf, I can't really tell the difference. Instead of crying about lockons, pilots should consider the reason why so many people use them. The airgame is garbage and always has been. No, I am not going to rebind my keyboard just so I can learn the reverse dance maneuver. The only reason I am in the air with lockons (and I always use them), is because ground aa is broken and every Skyknight knows it, and exploits it for farming ground troops.

    I don't want to dogfight with you. I want you out of the air (or at least away from the contested hex). I never use lockons for griefing. I genuinely am concerned that you are near my ground operation. You are a huge threat to it. I want you out of the way, and I don't care how I have to do it.

    As long as there is a shortage of ground aa (for whatever reason, people don't seem to like it), I will continue to use lockon a2as.
  13. 00000000000000000000

    I noticed for the first time today when I was hornet rocketing some Vanguards it seemed a tad hard to keep my crosshair on the vanguard.

    So after I killed FOUR vanguards I had to bail out and shotgun another two infantry to death before dying. Air is so pathetic nowadays :rolleyes:
  14. DrBash00

    Hmmm... well i didnt played for a long time, but this doesn´t sound good.... -.-
  15. Scr1nRusher

    its fine.

    The airgame is far from dead.
  16. Yessme

    There is Nothing Fine. Is Not only the Chance at the fligh controll, it going together with Hoover physics Chance. There is Nothing to close like Old One.
    They just ripped airgameplay
  17. Morti

    I feel like the only one who didn't have much difficulty adjusting to new controls. Though I do have sympathy for you 24/7 MLG pilotos who knew your vehicle handling like the back of your hand.
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  18. Czarinov

    oh come on, it is quite fine ;)
  19. Taemien

    I moved the sensitivity slider to the right a tad, and it went back to the way it was before the patch.

    So.. quit if you want to, but I'd wager you won't.
  20. Jamuro

    The air game might not be dead ... but at least on cobalt a lot of the people i enjoyed flying with/against are now nowhere to be seen.
    Altough there are a ton more a2g esf's flying around.

    Which kinda makes sense ... all ground weapons have splash damage and require not as much precision aim.
    Plus it seems a lot of the evil skyknights actually were mostly "farming" as a2a.
    So if you ever wanted to farm the living well you know out of infantry, the time is now.