Quick Optimization Update

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Luperza Community Manager

    Hey all -

    We've made some really great optimization progress in the last few weeks across several different areas of the game. Overall we're running faster across all our hardware test cases, in some cases with up to a 30% increase in framerate, and we're not even done yet. We know everyone here is anxious for news so we wanted to share some tentative dates of when we expect to have some of these efforts released to you guys.

    Our current schedule has us completing the changes for our first major optimization patch on October 9th, as soon as possible after that we'll be patching things up to our Public Test server where we'll be running a few events and focus tests to make sure things are stable and performance increases are being realized. Assuming that our testing goes well our hope is to deploy the first major optimization patch on October 23rd.

    As usual I have to caveat that dates can be slippery, and while we'll make every effort to adhere to these dates, with engineering changes of the complexity and magnitude of those being undertaken by the team right now things can go wrong.

    We will be posting a followup thread to talk about some of the specific changes we've made and results we've seen from them so far, but we wanted to get the news on the dates out to you all as quickly as we could!

    I also wanted to thank each of you for your patience while we've made these changes. We know the delays to content additions has been tough, but, based on the results we're seeing internally already we think you will all agree that it has been well worth the wait.

    See you on Auraxis!
    Matthew Higby
    Creative Director - Planetside 2

    Originally posted here: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/quick-optimization-update.152487/
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