Queue Estimated Wait time: 5m 32s (Miller)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sikab, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Sikab

    Been saying that for the past 40 minutes. I'm stuck on position 192 and doesn't move an inch.

    Raise your hands up if you have the same (similar :p)
  2. Deadshot

  3. Bombless

    Mine is stuck at calculating, not even giving me a number...Something is amiss here ;)

    edit : To clarify, I am also trying to log into Miller.
  4. iGamer1990

    welcome to the waiting club :p
  5. D0n

    Outsourcing labor pays for itself, it seems.

    Way to go SOE.
  6. Lifestealer

    I've just posted for a similar reason - suspect the bugged queue is simply a ploy to drive a switch to membership :-(
  7. LordTankT9

    Mine position moves, but I'm not sure if I wish to play already. Most likely server is on meth right now...
  8. Zenith

    Well, mine moves, but incredibly slow. Then it adds 10+ members to the queue, and your time effectively doubles. Obvious ploy is obvious.
  9. Prudentia

    same for me, queue is telling me im at place 90 and only have 2 mins left... since the last freaking hour o_o
  10. HunterPrime

    I have the exact same thing while trying to log onto miller atm too :( Paid for membership so I wouldn't have to wait, but it's already been 30 mins and I still haven't connected >.<
  11. LordTankT9

    Nah... Stuck on 89 and quit, will better go play Skyrim or something and leave Sony to have sex with they're servers alone.
  12. Fuse

    Obvious bug is obvious. Worked fine for me the past two days. Estimates were pretty accurate, so I just browse the forums or watch something short.
  13. KrystOutlander

    Hah, I can't even get in to get to the que.
  14. Zenith

    Would that be the same 'bug' which remained unfixed throughout the latter stages of the beta? Oh yes, that's the one. :rolleyes:
  15. bobby_m

    And this is why I really dislike that they have characters locked to a server/purchases locked to one server. I would just go onto any other server as I'm not in an outfit (yet), but the progress I'd make there would be wasted.
  16. Fuse

    Which one? That's a VERY long list, so acting like this one making it through is clearly a malicious move is just silly.
  17. KorJax

    They really need to get an overflow server up so people can still play while they wait on their main server to join up in.
  18. Prudentia

    just went out of the queue, couldnt get back in couse the game just started to refuse to have buttons beeing pressed, had only G37 since then, tried to validate:
    *Error: Unable to launch ConfigLaunchPath parameter not specified in digest
    pressed retry
    Checking game installation...
    All files are up to date

    great programmed launcher...

    i think i'll do the same and test out the mods i installed in the past months and never played, because they dont crash only because i didn't payed for them before downloading....
  19. Fuse

    G37 has nothing to do with your launcher, it's the log-in server not responding. It's usually temporary.
  20. Dovahkiin

    Not really, there are enough servers for everyone to play, but f**king ******* out there join very high populated servers, so this happens.