Question Regarding Steam Bundles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ryoken, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. Ryoken

    Since Heroic boosts are no longer a thing, what happens if you were to purchase the NS Black Ops (or something like that) bundle on Steam? It comes with a 3 month heroic boost in the description.

    Would it even be redeemable without playing the game through steam in the same way that the first recruit bundle is?
  2. BlackRedDead

    because they removed them that isnt a matter anymore - but maybe you still want them?
    please consider supporting a "last chance" request :)
    [poll] Steam DLC's comeback vote
  3. SarahM

    Imho if the bundles on steam where more like the bundles in the ingame store they'd probably sell more:
    Smaller packages which allow you to commit to specific parts of the game in steps instead of going all in at once.

    Problem with the large packages is that they become a lot less attractive the more of the content you've already unlocked, e.g someone who grinded for the fractures will be less likely to go for the Terran steam bundle.
  4. BlackRedDead

    true, the faction specific bundles are very unatractive because you can unlock them via playing the game - but the "NS Black Ops" pack was exactly what i want and i just had not enough cash to buy it because of silvester last year - but safed 70 bucks just for this new year sale to get it! - you can imagine how sad it feels when you managed and organized everything to get online at the goddamn 1st of januar to purchase a so long awaited DLC and then its just gone - no announcement, no last chance to get it "fuuu" *rageface* xP

    so hopefully - with some comments from others that waited for it - we could show the responsible marketing people the financial potential of a last chance deal :)