Question on the new implant system

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WetChickenNugget, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. WetChickenNugget

    So I read the game update on 3/30 and have been playing all weekend and I have a question.
    Under the old implant system, the game would give you a random implant every now and then. You could then turn the duplicate implants into new implants or chargers. But all weekend I haven’t earned any new implants. The game update notes said nothing about them stopping the random implant drops, just that they revamped the system and you could buy implant bundles.
    So to my question. Did they stop the implant drops, and now the only way to get implants is to buy them?
    The reason I’m asking is because the developers of this game have done some stupid things over the years, but they couldn’t be this stupid, could they? I mean having to buy with DB Cash or Cert Points a chance to maybe get the implant you want seems just a little too stupid. Giving them to us at random is fine, but if we have to buy them, we should be able to choose the ones we want. If I want to buy a gun, I don’t buy a gun bundle that has a random gun and hope I get the gun I want. If I want an attachment for that gun, I don’t buy an attachment bundle and hope I get the attachment I want.
    The other reason I have a hard time believing they would stop the random drop is because of the new upgrade system. With the new ISO-4, I can pick which implant I want to upgrade (I like that) but in order to upgrade my implants, first I need to buy them (that could take thousands of cert points to get the ones I want) then I need a bunch of ISO-4. To upgrade from level 1 to level 2 is only 75 ISO-4, but it goes WAY up from there. If I do get duplicate implants I can break them down for ISO-4, but someone said you only get like 25 ISO-4 points. On one of my characters I have almost 8,000 ISO-4 points, but on another that is a much lower rank, I only have like 2,000. So someone just starting out would have to spend a few thousand cert points or DB Cash to get the implants, then tens of thousands to buy implant packs to get enough duplicates to turn them into ISO-4.
    Let’s do the math. Let’s say you are a new plater, or start a new character and you want some implants so you buy the pack of nine implants. Now let’s say on the first time you are lucky enough that your nine new implants have no duplicates in them – that won’t happen, but for sake of argument let’s say it does. So now you have every implant and from then on all your implants you buy will be a duplicate. Now you want to upgrade some of your implants. I know the first upgrade is 75, but then it goes up into the hundreds of ISO-4 after that. Let’s say you need 4,000 ISO-4 for all your upgrades you want. If you really only get 25 ISO-4 per duplicate, and you get nine duplicates per implant pack for 750 CP/499 DBC, that means for your 750 CP/499 DBC after your turn in your duplicates you will get 225 ISO-4. You will have to buy 18 of the implant packs and turn in all the duplicates to get 4,000 ISO-4. That would cost you 13,500 CP or 8,982 DBC to get the 4,000 ISO-4 for upgrades, plus your original pack you bought to get the implants for a total of 14,250 CP\9,481 DBC.

    So back to my question, are they still doing the random implant drops and I just haven't got one yet, or did the developers have a collective stroke and turn into complete morons?
  2. csvfr

    From the FAQ
  3. BartasRS

    They are planning on new loot drop system. It should be somehow connected with winning Alerts (and maybe other stuff too). For now best bet it will drop some amounts of ISO-4, maybe an implant or two.

    Look at Reddit (as usual) to look for more info.
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  4. Eternaloptimist

    Yep, we need to buy the implant bundles now (random drop) but they don't require chargers to work any more. You can convert duplicate chargers to ISO-4 to upgrade the implants you are running.

    I can't give you a comparison on the others but I can say that new tier 3 Regen is a little bit better than the old Tier 1 Regen in terms of health recovery time.