
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jbrain, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Jbrain

    Guys I have a question, i watched a lot of cool videos before i downloaded planetside 2 to try before I subscribe and it looked amazing. I however am finding the game to be much much different than those videos.. One of the things i do not understand for the life of me is how as NC Heavy assault i die so quickly to the Vamu and even TR. I can hit them 4 or 5 times and they can turn and still kill me in two hits. I do not get this and i am a long time fps player so i know my aim isnt that bad especially when i see the hits registering. Its like i have no armor and they have tank armor.. their weapons seem to be superior as well, the recoil shake of the nc start weapon is pretty nasty and i have noticed the Vamu weapons have less. I am working on the grip and barrel to help this problem I just hope that helps or should i get another weapon.

    I also dont get the max differences NC max are inferior past 10 feet, the shotgun shoots like 5 rounds before a reload and v and tr just strait balls deep our maxes every time i have played one.

    Another problem i have is the terrible infiltration class design. This class getting to run around completely invisible with a sniper rifle is bad enough yet they can also use heavy weapons to go in invisible in which you get ***** in the back by a shotfun or smg before you can turn around.. I also feel there are way too many snipers and i doubt any of those videos of people runing and gunning would be made today as youl be sniped 3 seconds after you move out from your spawn if your attacking or defending. Its insane and luckily i am determined to give this game an honest try out before i decide on subing or not or i would of quit out of frustration already.

    I dont really know what else i can do to improve my experience here.. If there is some great nc weapon i need to unlock then please tell me because right now its absolutely driving me crazy to be 2 shotted with max health when i in turn have to hit them 5 or 6 times and they still got plenty of health when i die.
  2. HooWoo

    It happens to all new people, I'm a long-time FPS player and I got killed very often thinking I was getting killed in 2 shots for a few weeks before my kill to death ratio passed at least two, It just takes time getting used to the game and its mechanics.
  3. Lazaruz

    I feel like these statements are a bit exaggerated... Infiltrators are definitely not completely invisible, they can't carry shotguns and I have a hard time believing you get killed by a sniper rifle 3 seconds after you leave the spawn room (unless you just go outside the room, sit down and have a picnic... which you shouldn't do in a war zone).

    But I suggest you give it some time, new players have a hard time adjusting to all the things that are going on around them in this game. Also, a good way to learn more about your personal balance concerns, is to play the class/faction that you feel is unbalanced. So for example, go play the other factions (or the infiltrator) for a couple weeks, I would be interested to see what you experience.

    Welcome to the Planetside 2! :)
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  4. Jbrain

    i dont play the over powered classes/factions.. its kinda like my thing.. I chose NC cause i knew ahead of time they were underdogs i just didnt realize that it was a forced thing by game design and not pop unbalance like i assumed. Also infiltrators are certainly invisble past 10 feet. Roll out a newbie NC and go try it yourself... youl die in like 1.5 seconds or less. however that isnt what i really was posting about.. I dont understand how i am dieing so flipin fast even in strait up skirmishes.. I can see the hit detections going off on my cross hairs and it takes numerous hits vs them hitting me just a few times usually just 2.. that I dont get at all and i was even tempted to make a video of it i got so angry. either i am not doing something right or i need to unlock a certain weapon to deal competatiive damage.
  5. SquattingPig

    Are you moving or standing still? Because the COF while moving w/o the advanced foregrip is a joke.
  6. TommyXXL

    join a good outfit, save certs for jackhammer, take more often a vanguard.
    infiltrator sneaking behind you? this is not call of duty to get 100 headshots while you listen to skrillex, the best counter to infiltrator is to listen to the sounds around you, they make a lot of noise.
  7. orewashinigami

    Welcome to Planetside 2. You're headed in the right direction with your grip and barrel. There are a lot of weapons in the game and it's important to know which ones are good for what situations. NC as a general rule hits harder with their weapons, TR fire faster, and VS suffer from less bullet drop (and damage drop from range). That being said, learn the strengths of your weapons, learn the approximate range and damage falloff for your gun and try to keep your enemies within the ideal range. Scopes are good, a good 2x scope will do you well for close to medium range and anything more will help you further out.

    Infiltrators are annoying. Best advice: Don't run straight, do a zigzag randomly. This also works when people are shooting at you as you run away. The suggestion to listen for noise is a great one. You can hear infiltrators cloaking and decloaking ( they have to uncloak to fire). You can also hear other people's footsteps.

    Sadly you're right about NC MAXes. If you still have charge use that to escape sticky situations or get in close to enemies. Your clip is small, but you will utterly destroy anything that is in close range. If you have the shield unlocked you can use it to give you a brief respite from enemy fire, but you can only walk so it's best to use it while moving backwards to get behind cover.

    Also invest in your class abilities (shields) and also invest in nanoweave armor. Nanoweave gives you more hitpoints.

    Good luck and hopefully you'll have fun. The game takes a little getting used to, but once you get the hang of it hopefully you'll enjoy it.
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  8. Jbrain

    thank you all for the advice, I have been doing better today.. i still ******* hate snipers.. but i upgraded nanoweave armor and its helping a lot and i unlocked a med kit.. Big helps.. my recoil is stil messing me up a bit but i am working on getting the grip and the gas release barrel to stabelize it and i think i will pick up a em6 later on..

    Thank you all.