[Question] Cloaks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Turekson, May 2, 2015.

  1. Turekson

    Does anyone else find themselves spotted when cloaked more easier after the 4/9 update? I haven't played enough to be 100% sure it's not just my imagination yet.

    If I understood correctly the didn't change the cloak itself, but they did change the graphics, yes?
  2. Ballto21

    that and justhereforcarv direct linked an esp hack download on reddit
  3. Turekson

    Ach.. That would actually explain a few incidents. How nice of him.
  4. _itg

    There's currently a bug where the deep cloak fails to apply to your head, and it makes you painfully easy to see. Unfortunately, there's no way to know you're affected unless your killer is kind enough to send you a tell.
  5. Nerazim

    Cloak is pretty broken at the moment. I can see cloaked infiltrators from much further than I used to and track them as if they were normal. I've had to send out a lot of tells to people saying "cloak is broken atm, sorry" because of killing infils so easily.

    I play infil a lot also and have noticed getting shot at way more. Cloak is pretty much only good for sniping from range at the moment. I've switched to heavy assault since the patch to be honest. I'd like to finish my scout rifle directive off but it's too frustrating with the weak cloak.
  6. Gutseen

    its like in the "Predator" movie. Btw infls use an Optical Camo, so like IRL it fails in 20 meter radius and light contrast
  7. Turekson

    Ok thx this I did not know. I did play a few days ago and got shot dead while in deep cloak three times on separate occasions, on each the enemy came into my vicinity while I already was in deep cloak, immobile and they just came directly to me from 20-30m and shot me in the face. I actually felt like asking them how did they find me, should have done that.
  8. OldMaster80

    That had been fixed months ago. Did it re-appear again? Oh Jesus... :eek: