Question about thread on attacking Amp Stations

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Your Future Ex, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Your Future Ex

    Been playing this game since forever and I just noticed this in the thread posted on Monday and displayed in the news section: (

    Step 3: No tanks for you! Some Amp Stations have vehicle generators (marked with a tank icon on the map) in addition to shield generators. If you can disable both of these, you’ll prevent the defenders from being able to spawn armor.

    Really? Did the person that wrote this ever play the game?
  2. vincent-

    I think they had a sentience in there head that was much longer but typed to quickly. I assume that person means that you wouldn't spawn armor or any vehicle while the enemy is literally in the courtyard with their tanks and av guys.
  3. Sordid

    The only way I can make sense of this is if it was supposed to read:

    "Step 3: No tanks for you! Some Amp Stations have vehicle terminals (marked with a tank icon on the map). If you can disable both of these, you’ll prevent the defenders from being able to spawn armor. "

    Accidentally typing "generators" in place of "terminals" would be understandable. But A, all Amp Stations have those, not some. And B, there's the bit where it then goes " addition to shield generators". It wouldn't really make much sense to say that if the sentence was about terminals. "The base has one type of generator in addition to another." Okay, makes sense. "The base has one type of terminal in addition to another type of generator." Less so.

    These things would seem to indicate this wasn't a simple error and the person who wrote that really does have no idea about the basic mechanics of the game. Which is unfortunate to say the least, an SOE employee spreading falsehoods about how the game works. Vets laugh at him and noobs who look to him and his guide for, y'know, guidance find only confusion and misinformation.
  4. DashRendar

    What I thought was funnier about that article was how well the given pictures summed up the actual experience of playing the game currently is:

    -A TR Max/Infantry crash
    -A single VS soldier standing on point
    -An empty NC sunderer
  5. Your Future Ex

    No, you guys are really stretching. Why would it say NO TANKS FOR YOU! Which is totally false in every single iteration of the meaning. You ALWAYS are able to pull a tank from a vehicle terminal as long as you own the area, have the resources, and the terminal is up. They clearly have no idea about this and there is no such thing as a generator for vehicles anywhere. Heck, you can even pull vehicles when you have hacked the terminal no matter where you're at. So whoever wrote this meant to write this and totally hosed it up.
  6. Your Future Ex

    @ DashRendar (love the name btw) I think the pix would've been more accurate had someone on the TR been shooting someone else on the TR.