[Quality of life] Higher infantry/vehicle FoV

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by COMMANDER K33N, May 21, 2013.


    The FoV in this game, especially for vehicles is less than I'd like it to be. With the devs focusing on "quality of life" in GU10, this would be near the top of my list for implementation.
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  2. Ranik

    I can definitely agree on Vehicle FoV
  3. Oheck

    um..can't you already magically float out of body behind your vehicles as it is? An FPS with some 3rd person bits..always seemed silly to me.
  4. Pikachu

    All games should have 90+.

    Not really too sure on the relevancy of third person camera here. The original planetside had third person view for infantry, which is always a terrible idea.

    Vehicle FoV in this game gives me a headache, and driving vehicles in Third Person just isn't an option.
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    PS2 actually has a horizontal FoV of 110. But I've grown used to playing on ~125 due to years of Quake.
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  7. SleepyWalker

    Disagree with this one. 3rd person camera is already used a great deal and is something is dislike due to the massive increase in what the player can see. If I think 3rd person provides too much situational awareness (while at the same time not letting others determine you have this massive sightline (example: turret view, cockpit placement)), then I have no desire for that to increase.

    My personal opinion is to allow the esf to free look in the cockpit while still being able to maneuver. This would be a perfect option for some key bindings or oculus rift support (virtual reality glasses). I know when I played BF3 on console that it was very annoying to not be able to maneuver and look at the same time, which is why people used the 3rd person camera, which is why a 3rd person camera is in this game (probably. so just fix the problem that started it and I can have more fun)

    Again, confused as to why third person camera is being brought up. The low FoV in vehicles in first person gives me a headache. I'd like it to be higher to avoid this. Third person camera isn't something I ever use.
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  9. haldolium

    Overall higher FoV options and better camera position as well as movement.

    That will most certainly rather contribute to less teamkilling as it would be to better spot enemies. Seriously, this is an arcade like shooter and not a stealth game where a larger FoV can undermine the gameplay aspects.
  10. frag85

    This needs some attention. The game has been unplayable for a long time now since the FOV was locked.