Q: to NC and VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeathTollDavid, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. DeathTollDavid

    We were talking about this today in the squad I was with.

    When we see a Vanguard or a Magrider we get a little stressed and make sure we call it out and all try to hunt it together.

    We started to wonder if you guys did the same with when you see a Prowler? Even to us TR the Prowler doesnt seem that intimidating, but maybe it is and we just dont realize it.
  2. Regpuppy

    No single tank is that terrifying without the right set of circumstances. But as infantry? I'd rather face six magriders than six deployed prowlers unless my squad has the right terrain to pick them off.

    When I'm in a Vanguard? I prefer fighting prowlers at range and magriders up close.
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  3. Joram

    As a magrider pilot if i see a vanguard or a prowler and they have the same experience and certs as i do i'm probably gonna loose unless i have some rocks/cliff/tree/whatever to strafe in and out of cover and shoot. The highest dps and easier tank to use seems no intimidating to you, no **** you don't have to fight against it.
  4. Patrician

    I can assure you; see a Prowler, run for cover....fast! Magrider? Reach for launcher, then run for cover.
  5. Van Dax

    If I'm in a magrider i'll run away.
    If I'm in a heat lightning I'll flank and shoot on the move.
    If I'm infantry I run for cover and call in the Light assault squad.
  6. DuckSauce

    • 1/2 Magrider? Vanguard? Pull out the launcher.
    • 1/2 Prowler? Run for cover, then pull out the launcher.
    • 2/2 anything? Run for cover and try to avoid getting its attention.
    In a Vanguard:
    • Try to keep distance from Prowlers.
    • Try to charge Magriders.
    • Try to break LoS with anything more manned than I am unless I have backup.
    Prowler's status as the only tank that can kill infantry in one salvo of misses makes it a little more likely to be feared on foot, but in a tank they're not as dangerous. Even still: I used to run a 4/4 anchored AP Prowler before I deleted that character, and if I ran into a 1/2 anything I would usually anchor and simply out-DPS them to death.

    Vulcan, Marauder, Halberd -- if a Prowler has any of its secondary guns, it becomes extremely dangerous to whatever they're specced against.
  7. Bill Hicks

    Prowlers are nasty when playing infantry. Constant bombardment.
  8. hawken is better

    When playing on my VS/NC alts, I truly appreciate just how annoying (via their infantry-farming abilities) Prowlers are, both deployed and undeployed. I never knew they were that bad. I still think the Magrider's mobility is ridiculous, but to any TR players who've never actually gone up against Prowlers, do so asap. They induce rage like no tomorrow.

    Same with Mercy MAXes. Never knew they were as powerful as they were until I started facing them. Take a moment to remember one of those many occasions of getting instagibbed by a ScatMAX from 3 meters away. Remember that feeling you felt? Now, imagine getting pretty much instagibbed from 20-30 meters away by a Mercy MAX. Not cool.
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  9. eldarfalcongravtank

    as a magrider tanker, i fear vanguards more but i also have an insane amount of respect for prowlers

    that said, when i see a vulcan harasser, i drive away... no joke.
  10. GSZenith

    seeing a prowler

    guy number 1"guys prowler @ X"
    guy number 2 "sweet 1sec"
    30s later
    guy number 2 "sweet got 2 prowlers before died!"


    guy number 1"guys prowler @ X"
    guy number 2 "put down spawn beacon"
    30s later
    guy number 2 "sweet got 2 prowlers before died!"

    edit: stupid forumside had to do a daddy-logout almost died in spawn room :(
  11. Mouse75

    Pretty much what other people have said.

    As infantry and I spot a 1/2 Prowler: call it out, run for cover, pull out launcher. Prowler is the infantry farming king so infantry need to get the hell out of dodge.
  12. CruelStriker

    If I see a vanguard, I either flank it without its notice, or if it has noticed me and my gunner shoot it whilst charging it, Magburn over it and finish it off from behind.

    Prowler? Flank it. Never charge it unless its 1/2, I never use my magrider without a gunner. Just bad idea.
  13. The King

    To me, the prowler is the most dangerous tank on the field.. (if it has 2/2)
  14. Spookydodger

    I fear Vanguards more than Prowlers, as a Magrider pilot. Really for only one reason: Vanguards are going to largely stay still and shoot at me with that monstrous cannon and an enforcer, and they are as likely to be AP as HEAT (probably not HE). Meanwhile a Prowler is likely to be an infantry farming machine because 2 shots is 2x more chance for killing infantry.

    As infantry, I absolutely fear Prowlers more. If a Vanguard is anywhere near enemy infantry without tons of support, he's probably not very good at driving a Vanny. Prowlers will pop me if I get the chance, and have 2x the ability to do it than a Magrider.
  15. SpetV

    So what do you want? Skulls and shinny lights to make the prowler scary? Prowler can shoot 2 times, that's so anying on a tank battle because you have to reload after every shot if you're not TR.
  16. Luighseach

    As an NC infantry I would rather see a 1/2 Prowler than a 2/2 Magrider. That being said I hate seeing tanks in general. But when I gun for outfit Vanguards its usually first come first serve. Each tank fights differently with Prowlers hurting up close or Magriders being harder to hit at distance.
  17. NeverWas

    Magrider driver here, never liked facing a vanguard, because they have a shield and have higher dps than me.

    prowlers on the other hand, i'll just charge it , magburn behind him and do my thing.

    as an infantry, i cannot stress enough how much i hate seeing a prowler, they run fast, they shoot twice and they have crazy marauder to do their cheap job for them.

    Not cool at all.
  18. Phrygen

    To be fair, the marauder will put a prowler at a disadvantage in a 2/2 vs 2/2 tank battle, but that said the PPA and the enforcer mod needs buffs.

    I think an AP prowler with anchor mode and a marauder is a great set up for sure.
  19. Flashtirade

    I play all three factions, but NC the most.

    As infantry: Yeah, no. Unless I'm 100% sure I can get close enough to plant mines/C4 while being unnoticed, I don't even try (unless I have the Decimator, in which case I'll put in some rockets). If it's got a Marauder, I don't bother, even if it is 1/2.
    As a Vanguard: Depends really. If my shield is off cooldown and it's just a 1v1 (or 2v2), I charge it and wreck face, end of story. If it's got a Vulcan with gunner, I keep my distance. If he's anchored and sees me first, I take potshots or don't engage.
  20. TheShrapnelKing

    As infantry, Prowlers are an absolute scourge. As a tanker?

    Well, it's at least a bit harder to kill than a lightning.