[Suggestion] Put your ideas for AA fixes here.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OctavianAX5, Dec 20, 2012.


    Only if you aren't smart enough to avoid high profile targets when you are alone. A zerg of aircraft almost always beats an AA nest, unless that AA happens to be a huge group of MAX's that don't render properly, then I agree. However, I think that MAX's are completely unbalanced.
  2. Zer0range

    That's the natural order of things. Air is holding the ultimate high ground (with the exception of space-based weapons). Accept it.
  3. Adjuchas

    I know from a ground to air perspective just how "deadly" AA is, I'll give you a hint... way less than you make it out to be :p
  4. criticalbx

    Give Skyguard "gyroscopic stabilization".
    So a skyguard lightning can "shoot and scoot" without the crosshair bobbing up and down uncontrollably. Don't change anything else about the skyguard and I think that will be good enough for it to fill the open-field/convoy AA niche.

    Require A2AM to maintain visual on target to keep a missile locked after firing.
    Fire and forget is way too easy as it is. With 3rd person and free-look it will still be very easy for the pilot to maintain visual.

    Give 1-2 xp per 1% damage, reduce kill xp, and remove assist xp when attacking Air Vehicles.
    Keep the overall xp granted about the same, but distribute them in a way that encourages G2A a bit more. Also maybe reduce the 'last hit syndrome' that causes so many friendly on friendly collisions.

    Make Liberators more vulnerable to flak.
    Everything else does decent enough damage to libs.

    Design the maps/bases better for infantry.
    Bases with easy to breach outer areas with cover from air, then a hard to breach inner area where all the important stuff is. That would be nice.
    • Up x 1
  5. OctavianAX5

    For those of you who think the current game balance between air and ground is fine please explain why you believe it to be so and explain how the current gameplay plays out. If you are convinced that the game is fine as it is, explain why. I did not start this thread for people to argue, I started this thread to be a laundry list of various ideas.

    If you want to argue about any single idea, go to one of the other threads discussing air combat.

    Just offer your piece. The devs will sort it out themselves you don't have to "argue" for them.

    Ideas only.
  6. Dr. Allcome

    Make AA weapons much cheaper and make them give XP per hit and not per kill.

    As long as people do not get a decent amount of XP for using them, no one will bother with AA but instead complain about overpowered air. Balancing air will be impossible as long as no one is willing to play AA. First you have to make people want to use AA weapons, then you can balance them.
  7. Kegsta

    They should add a cockpit vulnerability to ESFs like in battlefield 1942 (10 year old game with better air balance) just like tanks take extra damage from behind, that way if a pilot just hovers in place firing rocket pods they will get slaughtered, not to mention a tank shell into the front of a ESF would actually blow it up, not just set it on fire letting the pilot land and bail out.

    Add A30 walker to the sundered as a rear gun option.
    Let the A20 Basilisk look upwards.

    or simply lower ESF health by about 35%
  8. overcorpse

    Id leave everything as is with maybe a few tweaks to XP gain for AA but take rocket pods out of the game.The amount of times i have seen enemy Liberators being left unmolested because our air assets are to busy farming infantry and not doing the job Higby said they were supposed to do.

    If Air is the hard counter to Air then they need to take away the xp farming tool and force them to do the job the Devs designed them to do.
  9. Opticalsnare

    Whats comical is that the only effective air protection for ground units is the AA Max, whilst everything else is pants. Its like coming up to some guys firing missiles and you come along in your MAX Dual AA shoves them out the way like saying "get out the way puny missilemen" BANG BANG BANG aircraft on fire, pilots crashing into mountains out of shear panic, pilots bailing out in mid flight only to die from smashing into the ground. And the guys armed with missiles are like what the hell is this man, and look on in a state of shock and awe.
  10. Axe11154

    They require a nice bit of skill to successful use but I think whats really needed
    I mean really, just give the sunders a anti air gun or make lock on rockets cheaper and call it a day
  11. TartarusMkII

  12. VexTheRaven

    Well, for starters, can we make it so unloading a full magazine from a dual-burster MAX at almost point-blank is actually enough to kill an ESF? Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more frustrating than unloading an entire mag from both bursters on somebody and watching them fly off into the sunset while I reload. Then repeating the same routine on a different target with the next mag again and again until I die or run out of ammo, having gotten maybe a couple assists from an ESF finishing them as they run. If you're dumb enough to hover 20 feet from my AA MAX and let me shoot you, you should be dead meat. I shouldn't even have to spend 2 whole mags to kill you. Of course, they'd have to fix the render distance issues for it to be balanced. Maybe increase the range of bursters too because it sucks how rocket range is so long and flak range is so short you can clearly see your target and be unable to hit them.

    So don't sit there for 2 minutes getting shot?
  13. Phyr

    Spread out the Air terminals. Same with tank terminals.
  14. Kubor

    It's far too late now, because the die is well and truly cast for the eco system of this game. There's no going back from the lopsided monetised arms race that we have to live with now.

    What perhaps shoud have happened is that right from release only single armed Bursters were made available with a little less damage output on the one arm than the combined output that two arms now produce. Not too much less, but still enough for a single armed Burster to act as a deterrent if 2 or 3 of them worked together. That would have also made the multi-task MAX a reality as people would been have able to use the other arm for AI or AV. How often do you actually see people doing that out of choice?

    Then there could have been a deep cert tree for the AA MAX that allowed for a fully kitted out AA MAX to be a proper plane killer. It could have been made costly enough in total certs so that only the most dedicated AA users would have bothered to plough in the time and effort needed to build the power of the MAX up. It could have had bigger clips, a faster rate of fire by way of a special ability on a cooldown timer, the ability to carry a lot more ammo, a reduced cone of fire. Any number of things that would have made it difficult to build, but a really fun target to aim for and a satisfying and fun thing to use when it was done.

    What we needed was far less AA around but a sprinkilng of genuine plane killers appearing over the coming months and years.

    That would have been awesome. But it seems we missed that particular boat :(