Purple People Leeters

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeAltos, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. DeAltos

    OK, I gotta ask, on my server SolTech, the purple team is almost unstoppable. It seems like we only take territory if they feel like letting us. Its the only faction I have seen that has level 60's on it. On top of that, in fights where both of us are shooting, I never lay down enough damage to kill them before I die. Its mostly either a sniper (I'm finding snipers VERY lame in this game, but thats a different topic) or in a close quarter fight. Snipers, I cant do much about, but the close quarters combat im useing a SMG fully geared up.

    Am I the only one finding these fights slanted in the favor of the purple people or are my tactcis just wrong?
  2. FateJH

    Well, firstly, we can't fault the Infiltrators in general. Theirs is the class is awarded the weapons whose first priority is to instagib you, and the least amount of life to do it in. They also have two of the most ridiculously stupid ADSing mechanics trying to work against them.
  3. JChronus

    Purple team, um i assume you mean the VS, you have to stick with your team, focus on covering your buddies, don't go all Rambo should help and burst fire.

    look for the snipers tracer and hunt them down, they are incredibly weak in close quarters, just watch out for claymores (i think that's what they are called), cheeky sods have gotten me a few times like that :)
  4. BalogDerStout

    As an Engi from the 'Purple team' I can assure you it's your perception or playstyle. I get destroyed most of the time in CQC, even with weapons designed for that purpose. Snipers... well, my solution is Nanoweave. Most of their guns are only good enough to drop your shield or kill you exactly for enough without Nanoweave. With it, you'll be down to red bars, but alive. Just try to keep moving.
  5. TheHalo1Pistol

    On soltech we win because we have me.
  6. Techup

    Halo 1 pistol is op.
  7. TheHalo1Pistol

    He got it. Srsly though I lead a ******* awesome outfit on soltech vs old tag was PLOX new tag is V404
  8. Lucerin_SolTech

    I just recently switched from playing a majority of my time as Vanu to playing as Terran on Sol Tech.

    Though I don't dispute Thehalo1pistol, I don't seem to have as much of a problem holding off Vanu with less numbers as Terran.

    If you know the zerg is coming, you need to counter it. Getting a sunderer and a few engineers ahead of the route to lay minefields will stop a Vanu zerg in no time. As soon as those precious magriders start blowing up - you'll see the zerg start to turn into an infantry ground battle. The rest of the magriders tend to stick back instead of pushing through.

    I have all but retired my Vanu character because of the lack of coordinating efforts between outfits on Sol Tech. So, you can be upset that they may own more of the map - but my certs/xp per hour has gone up significantly since I began playing against the VS.
  9. TheHalo1Pistol

    You fk. I'll tell Tyrone!