Purchased common pool item more than once? U Get Nuttin!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by -Crotalus-, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. DeltaGun

    Put in a ticket. My bet is you get your refund.
  2. HyperMatrix

    I don't think that SOE "has" to refund me for any items purchased across different characters. But considering how much I've spent, and considering I was led to believe there would be *something* done based on Higby's comment. And all in all, it would have been a nice gesture that would increase customer loyalty for a minimal cost. The 1400SC or so is a drop in the bucket for me as believe I've gone over 100,000SC. But it just comes down to this being what's called a dissatisfier. It was an opportunity to increase customer loyalty, with a chance to increase revenue down the line as a result of the move. But after hinting at doing something, and then doing nothing at all, makes it twice as bad in terms of customer experience.

    Even a "Hey...you bought the same item twice...here's a complimentary camo set/boost" or something would have been nice as it would be an acknowledgement of the issue and a nice gesture to make me feel more valued as a customer.
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  3. Krellton

    I sign this.
    Although I don't have bought same items on multiple characters (so no need for refunds) I however feel like a cash cow.
    I played VS from the beginning and already spent around 450 US$. Now some friends started playing as NC. So do I want.
    But now I have to buy everything again except some decals and 2 or 3 crossfaction weapons.

    I miss some love for the paying guys and gals as they are the ones who finance the game. I don't want a pay to win game.
    But what about a rising sales discount the more you buy?

    That would still keep the game fair f2p and the buyers will finally feel some love.
    For now I don't plan to spend that 450$ again. You want me to? So you better think about your price policy again.
  4. Aisar

    Dragon's Prophet bro, come on! RIDING DRAGONS!
  5. Paltry Porridge

    Don't blame this on the devs, or Radarx. This came from the top. It was a bait and switch. What they did wasn't illegal, but it was definitely unethical and I hope it comes back to bite them in the ***.
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  6. Flukeman62

    he could mean that there will be a CERT refund?
    would make sense as SC can be used in multiple games but certs stay in planetside2.
  7. Flukeman62

  8. Karmak85

    I dont like this at all what SOE did..
    Thos who purchased multiple items are the same ones who put the most money into their game. They should be taken cared of by SOE and not get kicked in the ***.
  9. Caydn

    couldnt be bothered reading the whole thread heres the link you wanted


    Account level unlocks
    • Items you've purchased with StationCash will be available to all characters on your account that are eligible to use that item.
    • Common pool items, such as the Zephyr or NS-11 will be available to all characters on your account.
    • Empire specific weapons such as the GD-22 and Lasher will be available to all characters of the required faction on your account.
    • We are working on a solution for those of you who have purchased the same item on multiple characters.
  10. Aisar

    They could still give certs or tokens for specific items, hense why Radar asked for feedback ;) . Other than that I think they delivered on the rest, not totally sure as I have not been playing lately. Although I don't get why all my composite armors are not account wide :(
  11. Zaik

    left hand doesn't know what the right is doing, more at 11.
  12. Rickenbacker

    Sony should, because the people it affects are the big spenders. I.e. the people who make it possible to keep this game running! That probably means that you should care too, by the way.
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  13. Goretzu

    The weapon value in cert points perhaps?
  14. Soques

    @ Radarx

    I think a large consensus was that given the cost of the items in the market place, the gamers believed that it should have more value to them. This lead to the account wide unlocks. These players who went in on multiple items did so in the understanding that something would be done about it.

    Granted I am sure the problem is difficult to figure out. However it is frustrating to me that despite almost a solid week of unplayable performance (Mattherson), combined with an eagerness to pump out more guns to sell (SMG/Pump Shotty/ESRL's). It feels like you guys are still figuring out how to run the shop. Retroactive is retroactive.

    This doesn't mean that you need to refund moneys to my bank account. I would be happy with getting the SC value or equivalent values in other ways. This could be provided in raw cert values or in the form of a code that can purchase an item with matching SC cost.

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  15. meucha

    What is this i dont even...
  16. Springheel Jack

  17. Shasbot

    So I logged into my other characters. Only thing that got passed over were camos and burster. sad face
  18. Springheel Jack

    What exactly were you expecting?
  19. Shasbot

    Some smug ***** to quote me.
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  20. ilys01

    ^ This, so ducking much! All three of my chars have had money spent on them, so there is no way I'm going to delete them. Only way I can play on another server now is to use a second account, for which I lose the Alpha Squad and membership benefits. If you're going to limit the number of chars, do so per server not per account!
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