Pump shotguns can OHK now :D

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AdamRah, May 21, 2014.

  1. AdamRah

    i don't know if you were aware but all your shotguns were buffed, all of them, tighter pellet spreaad across board :) you can OHK with a pump now pretty easily
  2. AdamRah

    forgot to mention the jackhammer wasn't buffed
  3. Maelthra

    Uhhhmm...couldn't pump actions already OHK?
  4. ZoranTheBear

    Pump actions always had the ability to One Hit Kill people. You had to be around 1-5meters or so to be make it happen however. Further away it became troublesome.
  5. AdamRah

    Sorry Mr Zoran, i ment to write it was much easier at 10 meters inwards, thanks for the videos btw i'm actually still learning the game and they come in handy :) thanks for the implant video aswell and i agree entirely
  6. AdamRah

    yeah my title's abit stupid sorry i ment to put it's easier to do know