Pump action shotgun nerf didn't change anything. At all.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killy80, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Jagdwyre

    - Shotguns get nerfed.
    - People proceed to still die to them.
    - They come to the realization they still aren't useless after being nerfed.
    - People proceed to complain that they weren't nerfed enough.

    lol you people are unbelievable. I suppose this is the line of thinking that caused anything that had any type of lethality in the game to be significantly watered down.
  2. TomaHawk

    I am taking my ball and going home! AHa HAHA HA HA aHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahaa@@@@@@@!@!!!!11

  3. queue

    This cannot be quoted enough and is a perfect explanation of why the TTK in this game is just insanely low.

    And as an almost 100% support role player, we have no chance to survive a cert farming shotty user sprinting and hip firing around a base getting 2-5 kills per life while we actually try to play our role for 100xp.
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  4. Mythicrose12

    It comes down to many people believing they are more "skilled" than they truely are. So when someone else kills them, clearly that person's weapon is OP and must be nerfed. You are correct...eventually this game will be completely watered down. Shotguns feel awkward to me use now for LA which is the class probably impacted the most by the shot gun changes.

    There wasn't much ******** about shot guns until the pump came out. SOE should've left the originals alone and just increased the pump shotties delay between firing rounds. Whatever.
  5. Zenith

    They still seem as effective as ever, with the pumps still one-shotting with ease. Seems like everyone needs to grab one to be effective in CQC these days.
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  6. TintaBux

    It's just same as before (With infantry shotguns) nothing has changed.
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  7. TeknoBug

    Before the patch I was able to 1 shot someone from ~10m with PAS, now I can't.
  8. ChaosRender

    I totally agree they should remove all SMGs, shotguns, and weapons with a ROF higher than 650, then CQC will be skill based and not I have the a better gun..................................................................... Wait no it wont Other thean a Auto shotty I have never seen a shot gun clear a room any better that a good carbine or AR or LMG, yes you get a room full of people not paying attention sure. I have a PA and 90% of the time I am at a disadvantage for using it, and my 100 LMG will out preform it and does. The only time the pump is better is when twitch wins because you don't get to fire back.

    But in all honesty the only way they could nerf shotguns enough to make people that dont like them happy, is if they where removed completely. A good example is if you make the PAs a two shot kill at close range you may as well use slugs, but then it would not be a shot gun.

    (oh and slugs are OP and should be remove or made in to a balanced slug only gun)

    Find someone elses ball's to hug bro, you don't even play this game.
  10. Goden

    Wow could you make it any more obvious that you use shotguns
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  11. TomaHawk

    HaHAhaH AHAHAHA@@@@ loooooooooool
  12. hostilechild

    The shotgun nerf did one thing. I got killed by way fewer shotguns. Some decided not to use. Others if your aim is slightly off now you won't OHK and you are dead if the other person has good aim. (this is good, so even more stopped using). Add in a little server lag/latency and there are very few OHK. I did not get OHK'd at all in 3hrs last night, (i did kill a few in the back OHK, but also had a number of 2 hit kills to non moving people at 2-3m in the back). HA with nano/resist was very helpful. typically run flak but with shotgun i found nano/resist combo very helpful.

    The nerf added in the requirement of a little skill and shorter range to the shotguns that is all and fine by me. (You now also have a larger spread of pellets while running and flying, at least its noticable now).
  13. SeasickSand

    Pump actions are supposed to gib you if the hit is right. Tho the nerf did balance them. I had several occasions where i didn't have my circle-crosshair exactly on the enemy, point blank(!) and i missed. 2-3 shots to a HA and i died to an assault rifle. You got to be really accurate with it, which imo isn't something to nerf. I'd call you in the wrong on this one.
  14. Nocturnal7x

    nah, shotguns should win. Keyword should. Here is the issue. You take 2 players both with pumps, ideally the better player should win, not true. Its completely random and lag makes it so and this will always be an issue in online games. And in a game as laggy as this one, OHK is ********.

    Another issue is the other shotguns for the most part were fine, maybe minor tweaks to spread and ammo pools needed tweaking (SOE recently tweak them in the wrong direction in GU05). Instead they way overtweaked all the other shottys except the pumps.
  15. Stargazer86

    The only way people are going to be happy with the Pump Actions is if they aren't killed it one-hit.

    Simple as that.

    The only way that's going to happen is if they lower the TTK of all weapons across the board, so that 2 shots become the minimum needed to kill rather than 1. That means lowering the damage for everything else in equal measure, which everyone would complain about. "It's slowing the game down!" blah blah blah.

    This is what happens when you go an shoot yourself in the foot by not leaving yourself enough room to make adjustments. You can't nerf the damage on the Pump Shotgun so that it takes 2 hits to kill because then it becomes wholly worse than the auto shotguns. You'd have to nerf those as well so that they take 3 hits to kill, which make them worse than the semi's, which means you'd have to nerf those, making them less effective than SMG's, and an SMG shouldn't be more effective than a shotgun point blank, so another nerf...it's a vicious cycle.
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  16. applepienation

    I've found that the shotty nerf really nailed auto-shotties the most. I get WHY they did it, but I would have prefered they keep the accuracy the way it was and force you to reload the auto-shotty one shell at a time.

    The rate at which they lose accuracy is just so high you have to be almost standing point blank to hit.
    Or make it so the pellets spread somewhere in the cone, and don't stay clustered but fly all over the place.
  17. Cowabunga

    You've had your fun for months.
  18. TeknoBug

    I'm not sure what you're implying? PAS has only been out for a month, TTK was fine albeit being low enough pre PAS so you're saying everything else should be balanced because of the unbalanced PAS?
  19. Clutchstep

    I haven't had much time to use the auto-shotguns. What did they nerf in terms of accuracy? The notes only mention a reduction in recoil, was there a change in COF that wasn't listed? The weapon data sheets don't show a change in COF, so if anything the auto-shotguns should be slightly more accurate than before since they have lower recoil.
  20. HadesR

    Shotgun are fine now .. It's the shotgun + LA combo that's kinda iffy .. A class that can pretty much get anywhere + can glide is nearly as broken as giving Shotties to a class that can cloak