Pulsar lsw worst lmg in game?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by jaktrobot, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. jaktrobot

    So i am trying to get auraxium with every lmg in game nc tr, and vs, but this pulsar lsw is just so bad i cant kill anythign with it. It sucks at range, it sucks close range and it sucks mid range, so what is this wep good for?

    Its a painm trying to get auraxium with it :(

    Anyone else feel the same?
  2. Shanther

    It is the same gun as the SVA-88 with a slightly better recoil pattern and a x.50 ADS speed instead. If you can use the SVA-88 fine but not the LSW you are just having a bad day.
  3. jaktrobot

    Everyone says that, but that cant be, it behaves and feels totally different. U will notice that if u get 1000 kill with each gun.
  4. Shanther

    I have 1200 kills with my LSW and 7700 with my SVA. Those are the only differences.
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  5. Nakar

    Actually there are a number of other differences. The SVA-88 has straight-upward vertical recoil (at a fairly high rate) and a horizontal recoil of 0.2/0.225. The LSW has angled variable recoil between 14 and 17 degrees to the right (this is comparably a bad thing) but 0.2/0.2 horizontal recoil. The SVA-88 has a lower first shot recoil multiplier and a lower EFFECTIVE first shot recoil; that is, the LSW will kick more on the first shot, but the SVA-88 will kick more on subsequent shots; lower effective FSRM is generally better. The LSW also has a worse hipfire COF in all states. As of the last patch, the SVA-88 also has lower recoil recovery (12) than the LSW (13). The LSW also has a slightly faster short reload and a much faster long reload. The SVA-88 also has access to the Compensator and HVA attachments; the LSW doesn't get a Compensator and can't use ammo attachments at all.

    Generally speaking the LSW is harder to handle than it really should be and lacking in attachments. It may not be the worst LMG in the game, but it's probably up there, in the sense that the SVA-88 is still more or less better at the same job and it's outclassed on damage and hipfire by the Orion and on handling and attachments by the Polaris. It's just cheaper than most weapons are (although that's no excuse for being bad; the MSW-R is the 100 cert TR option and it has an advanced attachment and SPA).
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  6. jaktrobot

    Yeah ty i know there was something, its totaly horrible to get kills with, such a pain it is.

    I would say its 2x as hard to get kills with then compared to sv88.
  7. KnightCole

    LSW certainly has horrific ADADA ability. Its CoF is pretty bad to. Blooms like mad. I used it for like 20 some Battleranks. Didnt really care for it. Ofc, i cant stand VS much at all...all thier guns seem to be the same thing.
  8. Posse

    Back when I was about to burn out in my last days of playing on Waterson, I tried to go for an auraxium on the LSW for a change of pace, I couldn't stand using it at all, I had to go back to the Orion after 500 kills or so. The funny thing though, is that I didn't do bad at all according to the DA site (KDR was less than 10% lower than with the SVA, for example), but I definitely didn't enjoy using it for some reason. If you definitely want to auraxium it, just keep using it, it shouldn't be that different in performance, but if you don't care that much about it, there's no reason to use it at all.
  9. Bl4ckVoid

    When you learn to compensate for right pull, it is more accurate at range then the random left-right SVA recoil pattern. And it is actually easier to control on full-auto than SVA.

    Most other stats are the same as the SVA , including COF bloom.
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  10. Nakar

    This is factually incorrect. Random angle variation is impossible to correct for, only straight-up or invariant angled recoil. Both guns have very similar left-right recoil and the same rate of fire, so the rattle is about the same. It is easier to control the vertical recoil of the SVA-88 because it doesn't angle and it has a Compensator.
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  11. Mxiter

    If you have trouble with the LSW, good luck to auraxium EM1 & Carv-S.
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  12. Bl4ckVoid

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  13. Bl4ckVoid

    This is the answer part above.
    The LSW Pulsar pulls to the right, it does not have left-right recoil. SVA-88 recoil is random left-right. Pulsar recoil is only to right which can be compensated for with practice. And on top of this the LSW has lower sustained recoil then the SVA, so the compensator at best makes them equal in this respect.”
  14. Mianera

    Honestly, I have tried a bunch of LMG's (by tried, I mean bought and fully added nearly all attachments to find a viable combo) and the absolutely WORST lmg in the entire game that I can think of....

    Is the EM1 for the NC. Honestly, what a piece of low damage honk of garbage. Inaccurate as well.
  15. Stormsinger

    Agreed - the only place I can really get this gun to work well is close-mid range, 20-70 meters or so. With IR/NV, you can ADS burstfire with relative accuracy - at that range though, i'd rather have a flare... and at 10-40 or so, i'd rather have a SVA-88. It's an acceptable all purpose gun, but it excels at absolutely nothing.
  16. reydelchicken

    I just started working on the auraxium, and to be honest, it seems fine.

    Just keep in mind that it has a rather high first shot recoil, so keep that in mind when compensating for recoil, and the gun will become much more controllable.

    I do find it very hard to hit headshots with it though, which can make it feel a bit weak I guess.
  17. Korban

    That because none of the VS's LMG have Advance Forward Grip attachments available, compared to the TR (T16 Rhino) and NC (the 2 SAW variants).
  18. Adeon

    Yep. If it had adv laser sight, it shouldn't.
  19. ViXeN

    Its actually pretty freaking good at close-range and decent at mid-range. I have been using it a lot lately just to take a break from my Orion and try something different. Its not supposed to be a long-range weapon so I would hope that you're not trying to use it as one. You may be better off sticking with the Orion.

    I don't understand why people are having trouble. I have almost as many kills with it (on HailtotheQu33n) as I have with my orion and 30% accuracy. Its not difficult to use as long as you understand its limitations as far as range is concerned.
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  20. Posse