PTS ZOE Changes (Video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Conflictt, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Eyeklops

    If they are going to remove all the movement advantages of ZOE they should probably reduce the incoming damage multiplier, or increase the output damage multiplier.
  2. TheReaperKing82

    I'm sorry but if they remove the speed increase then I want a full cert refund. I have level 5 ZOE and if I'm not getting the speed increase then it better be one hell of a damage increase to make up for 30% more damage. And the timer is BS too. I would be happy if they just took away the damage increase, kept movement speed as it is but had something like a spinup time, so you couldn't just flip it on and off to avoid damage because that is one of the major complaints I hear about ZOE
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  3. BeefySleet


    Christmas comes early.
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  4. Chipay

    wait until you see the Prowler nerf
  5. BeefySleet

    The speed is what makes it completely broken. Of course you want to keep it. Too bad bud, welcome to the hell the rest of us have been suffering through the past 6+ months. Now I just hope they make the TR max completely OP so we can finally have our turn with an OP max.
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  6. BeefySleet

    The velocity nerf while in lockdown? Meh. I can deal with that as long as ZOE gets nerfed into the ground. Also, last I checked, the velo nerf was reverted in the latest build.
  7. Tenebrae Aeterna

    As countless others have expressed,

    The speed increase was the only thing that anyone cared about in regards to ZOE, the damage buff does not compensate for the incoming damage debuff on a slow MAX. So, the majority are likely going to revert back to Charge and this ability is simply not going to be used.

    If they can't balance the ability without touching the speed, then they need to scrap it and come up with something completely different. This might not be the answer, but if anyone is interested...I tossed up a potential concept here.
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  8. BeefySleet

    So... you mean like what NC/TR MAX's have been doing for the past 6 months?
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  9. Chipay

    Nope, it's back
    Then you've also got the Pounder nerf, the Fracture nerf, the Vulcan nerf and the Marauder nerf
  10. NinjaTurtle

    No you get 2 positives for 1 negative.

    Either damage should be removed or movement speed. It should never have buffed both

    NC MAX: Aegis

    + Frontal defense (which doesn't stop explosives damage at least doesn't when I use it and your **** is still a big yellow target)
    - Slower speed
    - Can't fire


    + Speed
    + Damage Output
    - Damage Received

    Does that really sound balanced in any way? The ZOE speed buff basically gives you enough speed that it's like a constant charge (a little slower) plus increased damage. There is no reason not to use it over charge whereas the Aegis is a well maybe I'll use it......
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  11. BeefySleet

    Nobody uses Pounders. Fracture nerf isn't that bad, Vulcan nerf is deserved and doesn't bother me much, and I don't think I've ever used a Marauder so I couldn't care less about that.

    Enjoy ZOE being useless, Vanu scum. Your faction is going to crumble now that your IWIN button is gone and you have to actually learn how to play instead of "oh no were losing... ZOE MAX CRASH LOLOLOLO"
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  12. LightningWolfTigrBer

    So if this change goes live only NC will have a worthwhile MAX ability? I guess that qualifies as asymmetrical balance.
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  13. sindz

    And thank god for that.
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  14. CWorth

    Sorry buddy that is the main complaint about it...the movement speed AND increased damage.

    You can keep your increased damage with ZOE and the drawback to it will be the increased damage you take with it on.

    Remove the speed increase and put ZOE on a cooldown timer so it cannot be flipped on and off at will to prevent the extra damage taken.

    There balanced,1 plus and 1 negative. And with the cooldown it will make it be something you have to think about using and using it at the proper time. And not just whenever you feel like it.
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  15. BoomBoom4You

    go play nc, i hear they have GREAT weapons ;)
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  16. Hosp

  17. sindz

    Grats, but +30% dmg increase for 1 less bullet dps increase isnt remotely justifiable to pick up ZOE.
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  18. f0d

    so ZOE now makes you glow pink while taking 30% extra damage

    way to overnerf into uselessness SOE :rolleyes:
  19. BoomBoom4You

    in all seriousness, calm down and try it on PTS tonight during the playtest. then give your feedback. this is just speculation. oh, i forgot, this is forumside! carry on!
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  20. Tenebrae Aeterna


    You people are absolutely ridiculous, giggling like children whenever something is reduced to worthlessness just because it was superior to your own personal toys. Rather than advocate balance and a desire for everyone to get something that's functional and balanced, people wait for the crippling of the things they loathe...and then cheer. This is utter stupidity, and not something you will ever find in my comment history.

    While I have expressed time and time again that the speed buff can not be touched if they want to keep ZOE lucrative to VS players, I have blatantly admitted to it being superior to the TR and NC abilities. I absolutely loathe the TR lockdown ability, and even though I have no intention of playing them...I would like to see it buffed or completely changed to something more beneficial if the majority of TR do not find it useful now, which seems to be the case. Furthermore, I have constantly called for a buff to the NC shield...despite not playing that particular faction either.

    If they can't balance ZOE while leaving the speed alone, it needs to be completely scrapped. It doesn't need crippled to a point where no one uses it, NOTHING in the game should be crippled to a point where no one uses it.

    Also, I haven't seen a NC MAX use charge since the skills were released...even though I feel that the NC could use a bit of a buff to their shield. Most likely the extra coverage of 25% of the sides to ensure that they can only be assaulted from behind positions...and maybe the ability to shield bash or punch. Some have suggested the use of a single gun...and if it was statistically balanced I'd be fine with that too.

    I'm so tired of people acting like children and cheering when something is absolutely destroyed in game...rather than rally for EACH faction to have everything within their arsenal a lucrative and balanced choice.
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