PTS Spawn Beacon Changes

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by HadesR, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. HadesR

    Just a Heads up

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  2. Iridar51

    Don't understand any of that. Range based? Wut?
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  3. HadesR

    Can only spawn on a beacon if you are within 600m's of it .. And not from across the map .
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    Which is a fantastic change.

    Transport vehicles & more co-ordination will have meaning.
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  5. BrbImAFK

    Agreed. Fully support these changes!
  6. Scr1nRusher

    meanwhile on redditt people are freaking out about them & are not going on the PTS en mass to test them out.

    So..... just another Tuesday.

    RadarX if your reading this, I hope you got a good laugh out of that.
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  7. HadesR

    It's like they never realized other forms of spawning were the next logical step to reign in ...The great changes they made last patch to stricter spawning % would have been lessened if they had continued to let them be easily bypassed from great distances by beacons / vehicles .
    And that's without even touching on the Offensive Redeployside aspect.
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  8. Negator

    Because people on reddit have educated opinions on this, while you two soloers have zero. You dont play in squads, platoons, outfits, competitive PS2, alerts. You have no idea how this game works outside of your solo mentality.
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  9. Haquim

    Does not compute.

    First of all this doesn't affect solo guys at all, and second people actually playing together should rarely be more than 600m away.
    Or are you another one of those "I need to get everywhere by pressing a button (and having a convenient slave flying a galaxy there), everything else is too much effort" guys?
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  10. MarkAntony

    So galaxies will just have to hover over friendly territory, let the squadmates spawn (with no range limit) and then go to the enemy base (this will take like 20 secs) to drop their forces. rinse and repeat.
    This will take organized outfits all of 5 seconds to figure out. And with the new spawn beacons being usable by all members of a platoon they won't even have to rinse and repeat they'll just use spawn beacons after the first drop.

    Honestly this won't slow down outfits by more than 20-30 sec. It already takes that long to get all members to redeploy so....
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  11. Scr1nRusher


    I actually do play in all of those things.

    Now please, stop with the online persona superiority complex that your using to compensate for RL issues.
  12. MarkAntony

    Honestly the more I think about it the more I realize how little this will change. In fact this would change NOTHING (not that I mind that but still)
  13. Scr1nRusher

    redeployside is like the Matrix.

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  14. Negator

    exactly my point. yet, here we have two solo guys making commentary on it.

    And no, im a cross breed milsim semi competitive large outfit leading ****ter.
  15. Negator

    Cool, so when i can show up for your outfit ops and see for myself?

    I don't have RL issues btw, i just want my PS2 to stay fun.
  16. zaspacer

    Most of us have played in Squads, and many of us have watched videos of Server Smash, and some of us have spent time analyzing the Server Smash Meta.

    I'm not sure about "Spawn Beacons will now be platoon wide", but the rest seem to be steps in the right direction of moving the Server Smash Meta (and Hardcore Organized Meta in Stanrdard Play):
    1) away from rapid pinpoint deploy/drop Inafntry w/ Air support/disruption
    2) toward broader Combined Arms
    3) toward using more of the map terrain (though it looks to be only in Contested regions)

    I support the efforts these changes represent. And I continue to believe that to get the game running better (both gameplay and profitability), the Metas need to be worked out (in-line with #2 and #3 above) for both Casual Standard Meta and Organized Hardcore Meta/Server Smash Meta. #2 will both make the game experience more diverse in that players use of and encounter with all/most/more Units, AND will make it more profitable once players are motivated to unlock more Units and more Loadouts as they become viable and useful. #3 will make the game experience more diverse, AND will potentially enable more play scenarios which can support making more Units and more Loadouts more viable/useful.
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  17. Scr1nRusher

    "stay fun", you mean the same "fun" thats abusing mechanics that have sucked the life out of the game over time?

    Also I think people should really pay attention to how you made this sentence:

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  18. zaspacer

    Well, since this seems to be an incremental process, I figure the next step will be to make changes to rapid Deploy via Air next. Along with further/additional adjustments.

    That... or they want rapid Deploy via Air to be more dominant. :/

    My ongoing suggested change to Gal is to remove Gal Drops (which does not seem to be popular among players), remove Vehicle Spawn in (which is likely unpopular), make Gals more vulnerable so Gal Drops are less used or require more effort to support, or make Gals slower so Gal Drops are less used or require more effort to support.
  19. HadesR

    Will change people having to make an effort to get into range. Which is something I thought people wanted with logistics and teamwork etc etc
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  20. Scr1nRusher

    They already made changes, re-read all the notes again.