PTS Esamir Base Upgrades

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFullCologne, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. TheFullCologne

  2. TheFullCologne

    now with sound* :p
  3. Phrygen

    Looks fantastic. Combined it with a lattice system with multiple connections per hex and it will be my favorite continent.

    Amerish should get nuked from orbit though.
  4. TheFullCologne

    but i like mountains! :( although my vanguard doesnt....
  5. Tow2Bravo

    Thanks for the vid. Looks like it's going to be fun.
  6. Jezs

    I think i just found the only other player who caps their framerate at 30 because of their gpu
  7. TheFullCologne

    i use a laptop soooo that explains it ;D saving up for something decent though after uni.

    ingame i get 60 frames at high (no ultra, shadows off) but when i hit that record button... it all goes downhill