PTS Ammo changes MBT

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Arpheus, May 25, 2017.

  1. Arpheus

    The ammo amounts were changed for the MBT's with the latest PTS patch. This also changed the amount of ammo per Ammo Printer Tick pretty considerably.

    Here is a list of the changes for the AP main guns
    As you can see these changes mean a very considerable nerf to Prowler Ammo and a buff to Vanguard and Magrider Ammo.
    What is even more noticable is the nerf to Prowler Ammo per Tick of Ammo Printer/Ammo Tower and the change to Total Damage. While before the Prowler had like 20-30% more overall Total Damage it now has less than the other tanks.
    This is especially bad since Prowlers have to hit two shots in a row which is tougher to do than hitting only one shot and Prowlers main strength is long range combat where you miss quite some shots.
    I guess that was also one reason why Prowler before had more Total Damage in their Total Ammo.

    Together with the nerf to the prowlers reload speed and the buffs to magriders reload speed this is another shift in MBT balance which is not in favor of the prowler.
    My suggestion for AP cannon: Prowler Ammo per Tick of Ammo Printer: 12 and Total Ammo fully certed 80-90
  2. Daigons

    Where are your calculations for the Prowler's Anchor mode? You know the infinite DPS buff when max spec grants the Prowler a 48% Reload Speed and a 30% Projectile Speed?
  3. Arpheus

    Anchor mode makes no difference for ammo. It depletes the ammo even faster, thats all. The total Damage for the 72 Shots will be the same no matter how fast you shoot them out.
    As you can see with ammo on live server Prowler had 100 before and the others 50 because Prowler has 2 Main Guns. Now the difference is minor - 56/64/72 instead of 50/50/100
  4. TheSunlikeOne

    Prowler's main cannon deals more damage, than it's counterparts. So 56/64/72 is more fair, than live version.
  5. Arpheus

    It actually deals less damage but Prowler has two shots instead of one which together deal more damage which also means Prowlers need more Ammo
  6. LordKrelas

    And it does have more ammo.
    Just not double.
  7. Arpheus

    Yes instead of double (100% more) it now has 12.5% more ammo than for example the magrider. Thats a pretty huge nerf and there is no denying that. We now have less total damage in the total ammo than magriders and vanguard while before we had 20-30% more cause we miss more shots with two shots + recoil in between the two shots. So there was a reason for a bigger ammo pool. That is what I'm trying to explain

    What I see lately is magriders buffs and prowler and vanguard nerfs where at least to my knowledge magriders usually win engagements against prowlers or at least have a good chance to reset the fight. Also Vanguard was nerfed in comparison to the magrider as they will be blown up alot by flanking now since their shield won't give any protection from behind and less protection from the side.
    Vanguard against Prowler at least from the front has become stronger. Before you could just blow away the shield in a very short time with lockdown + secondary gun while now that shield will remove 2/3 of the damage for the full duration which means that tactic won't be viable any more. If you engage the vanguard from behind he will be alot weaker as now.
  8. LordKrelas

    The Prowler has had the best range, best damage, best firing rate, and best reload rate.
    So, I don't really see the grand issue here, given the power of a Prowler is still there.

    Magriders are murderous prior, and soon to be even more deadly.
    Vanguards are screwed in general.

    The Prowler unloads more ammunition, to do its damage.
    Yes, but does it really need more than double the ammunition of the others when it has had the best of everything?
    I get the more ammo, but does it really need that bloody more?
  9. Arpheus

    If you read my first post I gave a suggestion to increase the 72 ammo to 80-90 ammo. Thats not so much more and it is very justified.
    Before prowler had double ammo and now it would be in comparison to the magrider 64 to 80-90 which is an increase of 25-40% instead of 100% (before). And the prowler needs that.
    I also can agree with you that the prowler is the best tank at long range thanks to lockdown but that is pretty much his strenth. He can't climb on top of buildings and mountains or get into bases which are not meant for vehicles. He also has huge problems against a vanguard in close range. But thats ok since that is the strength of the vanguard.
    For infantry the prowler is by far the easiest to blow up. It has a huge chassis, is often locked down, has no shield which makes him survive long enough to get away and can't insta-evade threats by accelerating to 100km/h in like 1 sec. You probably know how hard it is to kill a magrider with a decent driver with C4 compared to the other two tanks.
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