[PSA] Prediction bot usage on an upsurge in preparation for new Esamir

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iller, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. iller

    The first rule of flying is never move in a straight line. (having played this game for 7+ years I had to learn that the hard way)

    ...just getting this out of the way because everyone's knee jerk responses (who wasn't there to see it) in any online medium is always going to be: "Just learn to not get hit, idiot, LOLOLOL.. :eek:"

    ...Okay now that that's out of our systems...

    Nearly all projectiles in this game are what's called "Simulated". This is because nearly all game engines at the time of this one's development, had basically a 750 foot per second hard cap on being able to move any collision hull physics object without crazy glitches and network code and everything else literally falling apart due to the tech limits. This is why it's possible for you to shoot Flak and get hit indicators at a long enough distance to a point that intersects with an ESF's projected PATH and simultaneously to a location that the ESF never actually reaches because it suddenly changed vectors at the last second like a pingpong ball but you can still get your Aircraft suppression ribbons all the same.

    And at the heart of this "calculation", is also that realization that all a scripter has to do is copy that math and apply it to the client's Aim vectors to hit that magical location consistently provided there's no Server side hiccup like we used to have IN ABUNDANCE when things were really going to sh**. IoW it's not difficult at all to trick the game into registering certain dumbfire launcher shots and HESH rounds that it really shouldn't be... (In other words, this is not just the normal AP "practically a laser beam, LOL" projectiles. ...Provided, there's a Latency loophole to exploit.

    It's really simple folks who don't know anything about programming: They can literally force their target to move in a straight line for exactly the amount of time it takes that projectile to reach that location, due to the LENIENCY the developers maintain towards intentional laggers. And when these guys apply it to a Prediction script(which have existed and been extinguished many times before when the publisher actually had money to throw at the problem of detecting all the memory locations of these bot scripts when they scanned for them in the past) ...it means we are not safe from them even in a vehicle..

    ...don't worry, this is the concluding statement, I won't drag this out any longer...

    When I'm juking and changing momentum literally every second like I was last night yet 5 or 6 of these projectiles in a 20 minute span were all hitting me from significantly long ranges (respectively "long" range of each type of cannon or launcher used or course) ... and in some case I literally watched their "Tracers" hit really LATE or not even match angles with the vector I've dodged to ... it tells me that it not just "LUCK". Luck doesn't happen that frequently and is always "Sus" that late at night when the people doing it know there's no GM's on to keep an eye on what they are getting away with.

    Point of this whole PSA is: They gotta Stop relying on their old expensive methods of combatting this, and just get smarter... put some hard limitations or punishments in for people with unrealistic levels of Accuracy that just quote- Magically -endquote always coincide split seconds after they are consistently (but only very briefly) dropping server packets. Any 2nd year Scripter could easily write a subroutine that records and scans for these people based on Stats that are ALREADY being tracked. ...better yet, they could SHARE those stats with us on individual player's Weapons and vehicle Weapons so we could verify if it was only just a lucky shot, or if this person actually needs to be recorded on video and mass reported to Customer Support!
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  2. JustGotSuspended

    you can easily obtain stats of a player from many different websites.

    I remember a few cases where so many people like you complained about certain players hacking that they had to record themselves during their sessions and post footage on reddit just to clear their names, because of course someone who aims better than me is either lucky or hacking or both. Even after the videos there's complete braindeads who still maintain the fact that the guy(s) are hacking.

    Yeah in summary: very few people play this game, even less hack it. Yeah there's that one weirdo who goes around server to server teleporting or using his little mana turret hack. That's an anomaly and doesn't even account for a slight portion of the playerbase - and they usually get dealt with fairly quick.

    but 'oh no, these invisible subtle hackers'...lol let's be realistic - that's not realistic. Just learn to play, and accept people are better than you, or have massive ping/lat/hardware advantage. Blaming the connection is what helps me sleep at night, I usually manage to kill the guys that seem extremely skilled and that I would consider "better" than me.

    considering how many players we're gonna lose with this cancer update I think dealing with the 1-2 cheaters in the entire population are gonna be the last of our worries.

    here's already 3 websites you can check player stats for yourself:

  3. JustGotSuspended

    you were close, lol the cheaters don't appear at night cuz the battleeye and devs CS are sleeping lmao wtf.

    the lat is just worse at that time because most of the population logs on at night after work/school, which in turn causes spikes in server latency. Again, we can thank the devs and their DX11 implementation for all the bugs and issues related to servers.
  4. Towie

    Hagsclub implemented a no-turn option into their aimbot in 2016 along with adjustable accuracy and bone targeting specifically so you could steam and amaze people by your. ahem, 'skillz'. Just saying...
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  5. iller

    Learn to Read
  6. JustGotSuspended

    yeah, the guys watching the streams are complete morons who can't tell if the guy is really playing or not, and the aimbot would definitely not overlay on the screen, or be blocked by the file checker.

    yeah, now that you mention it it sounds ultra plausible...if you're a moron
  7. Towie

    ...the brochure version:
    Silent aimbot (does not turn your camera, you just shoot and it hit targets in FOV)
    • Bone aiming
    • Targeting: by FOV (cone), cylinder or distance
    • Projectiles lifespan check
    • Target lock
    • Target priority list
    The idiots who go total rambo are easy to spot but someone who doesn't use crazy settings will be pretty much impossible to detect by watching their stream (no overlay for aimbot). They will just land more shots than the average player.

    There is an idiot who keeps popping up on various servers (with PANDA somewhere in the name) who is just doing it to advertise / grief / generally be a pain. As much as I hate these people - I have to give them credit for their ingenuity.
    They have come a long way since the 'teleport to player' days.

    (We have had some howlers in the past though - classic was one guy complaining about a cheater and on his screen evidence, showed he too was using a cheat !)
  8. JustGotSuspended

    here's why: they are better than the average player

    that's why people watch their streams lol

    Just cuz you suck doesn't mean others have to cheat to get kills

    The "aimbot" you described is basically just using common sense. If you spend your time jumping around holding the trigger pointed in the general direction of whatever you see move first, I guess it might look amazing that some people manage to get 2+ kills in one life - or even WOAH - get headshots. But really, they don't have to cheat to do so, just get good :)

    it's been 7 years, I'd be astonished if the veterans streaming weren't landing more shots than the average player (without hacks loool)