PSA : CPU speed makes a hell of a difference !

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zizoubaba, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. Zizoubaba

    A long time ago, I overclocked my CPU, then I totally forgot about it, totally forgot I had overclocked it.

    Because of some unrelated issues, I reset my BIOS and therefore set it to stock, but because I had forgotten that I over cocked it at first, I left it at that level thinking that's how it had been.

    Fast forward a few months later, and I started looking into ways to improve my PCs performance.

    I used the automatic gadget MSI thing, "boost", which has like 11 levels and overclocks your CPU automatically, and I set it to 1, which increased the speed of my CPU from like 4.3-4.5 Ghtz to 4.6. So not a huge increase.

    But I swear to god :

    a) my FPS had a HUGE increase, particularly during bigger battles, it didn't fall so much
    b) my gaming performance went way up, I mean, it's not a good indicator (at all) but just to give you an idea, my KD increased by about 0,2 so far (it hasn't really been a long time).

    I never would have imagined that it made such a difference, so i'm guessing netiher would have most of you.

    Opening question : this does make it really unfair doesn't it, for players with high end ovreclocked PCs, Imean it really gives them an advantage ..
  2. iller

    It really depends on the CPU. .... and Northbridge as well.. (actually this second part can be even MORE important because a lot of the issues with Ps2's big fights has more to do with the cache redundancy bottlenecking than ANY of the Graphics-card Badnwidth/MEM)

    Some CPU's that are even the same exact Models, will have different max Clock speeds.
    Also, anyone trying to run this game on an AMD that is FX (bulldog) or earlier, is a hopeless Masochist. *(gen 1 ryzens are already in a pricewar phase, gen 2 should be there shortly at least according that CoreTeks guy)


    To answer the actual question: Yes, and it always has. And then they stack it with certain kinds of VPN'ing for even more benefits or what we call Lag wizarding
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  3. Scroffel5

    If I overclock my HP 15 potato, what will happen?
  4. iller

    Probably nothing. A lot of Proprietary build Intels were locked even to bios, some systems have Hyperthreading locked ON which you don't want for a game that only uses 2 actual physical cores... And I'm pretty sure very few of them allow you to change the HTTP Bus speed and memory Volting which is always helpful when it comes to tweaking Cache to CPU heavy MMORPGs

    PS: later Generation i7 in a Laptop is still inferior to an i5 mid-generation desk CPU btw, so don't even ask
    *(yes I'm seriously suggesting that some i5s run this game better than some i7s or even i9s)
  5. DarkStarAnubis

    If you consider overclocking replace the [most likely] air-based cooling system with a liquid-based one. The change is relatively straightforward and you'll get:

    1. Higher CPU max speed
    2. Sustained performance
    3. Longer CPU life

    To overclock a CPU is easy but without an adequate cooling system the processor will be throttled back after a few minutes (or less) due to the high temperature.

    Also, if you have an Intel CPU, download the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility ( to figure out what you can do.
  6. Zizoubaba

    I'm very far from being pro, but my understanding was the temperature was a limit. ie : if the temperature goes to high, it's dangeorus for the life of your PC :)

    IEé* : not a "factor", as in, lower the temperature and you'll get higher speed.

    Way I see it, lower yout temperature, and you can increase your voltage, which then allows you to increase the speed.

    I may be wrong of course, like I said, I'm not a pro or anything, and what you said kinda agrees with what I said, it may simply be a matter of wording..
  7. DarkStarAnubis

    I daresay we agree.

    You need to supply extra voltage to achieve and maintain overclocking.

    The higher the voltage the higher the CPU temperature so Thermal Throttling kicks in earlier (to protect the CPU).

    A liquid-based cooler will dissipate more heat per units of time allowing you to inject more voltage and squeeze more MHz out of your CPU.
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