[BUG] / [PSA] Cheap MAX weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dreadnaught Wrex, May 23, 2013.

  1. Dreadnaught Wrex

    So I didnt know what SOE did but for the MAXes all our large mag weapons are now 250 certs.

    Yes, you read right. The mutilators, Grinders, and cosmos are now just 250 certs each!

    For at least the TR there is literally no reason to get the heavy cycler.
  2. Angry Scientist

    Dunno how you think it's a bug. Several weapons have had their prices reduced. Likely its to offer newbies a way to actually get another arm for their max. You might have noticed that the Falcon is similarly reduced, though I can't verify for the other factions.
  3. Bape

    nice I can buy vs max weapons now
  4. Pikachu

    I noticed it too and it's strange. Grinders cost 250 but mattocks 1000? Btw do people use these weapons? 20% extra shots (at least for NC) isn't much. 40% would be better.
  5. Hantak

    Well for people who dont constantly pay for in game weapons (instead of cosmetics) investing 1k certs on each arm for a proper AI max loadout was a big investment, now you can get the same AI weapon on both arms for 500 certs.

    Not sure whats with the overall certs/station cash rebalancing that took place with GU09 but i appreciatte having a MAX AI weapon for 250 certs.
    As a matter of fact i had not invested a single cert on my max prior this update, now i certed into it a tad more. (and im BR80+)
    • Up x 1
  6. Eclipson

    Gonna get mutilators to pair with lockdowns. Hoepfully if its a bug it isn't changed until after double xp so I can pick em up real quick.
  7. RX530SS

    lol, do you people read change logs?
  8. Dreadnaught Wrex

    Lol.... yeah, I read the logs its the first thing I do for every patch. The point is, why would they should at least for the TR a direct upgrade from our basic weapon? Maybe they meant for a different weapon than the ones they chose. So please (more to RX530SS) stop being ignorant and understand there are mutiple meanings to a thread.
  9. RX530SS

    Why would it be a bug that all the large mag weapons are 250 certs? A larger magazine doesn't make it the "best weapon". Even if it is, I don't see the problem.
  10. Cl1mh4224rd

    Aren't the larger mag AI MAX weapons less accurate?
  11. The King

    Same, I ahven't invested more than 150 certs into my MAX... Now I've invested 1000s..