PS4 remote play mini map doesn't work, doesn't update

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by ncr100, Mar 29, 2020.

  1. ncr100

    Playing remote play on my iPad. I see the mini map in the corner. however there are no people or vehicles in it and the map does not move when I move. It's just some initial terrain from some random place on the map.

    I expect for the minimap to move when I move and to be able to see nearby people and vehicles in it, when I'm using PS4 remote play.

    Maybe something about the way that I turned on the console led to a bug in the initialization code of the game engine?
  2. ncr100

    Oh my, maybe it's from where I spawned? Now I see the minimap working. I spawned again, at a base this time as opposed to from a sunderer before.

    I see the planetside engine seems to have a lot of race conditions, maybe this is just a race condition? Because of the fact that it's running on a PS4 pro and it's casting to an iPad, maybe some display initialization code thought something was done when it wasn't? And just skipped it?
  3. ncr100

    And it's back to broken map again, still on Indar trying to defend Ceres hydroponics from a sunderer parked on the incline.