PS2 is broken.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeltaGun, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. DeltaGun

    PS2 does not function correctly in large battles anymore. For the past week, anytime the continent reaches maximum population and hundreds of people begin fighting in one relatively small area, the following happens:

    - Delay on rezzes (up to 10sec)
    - Delay on healing and repairing (up to 10 sec)
    - Ammo packs gain a delay and eventually stop working completely.
    - Delay on hit confirmation (this is a new one. Hits will register seconds after they occur)

    Today , 10pm on Indar, Waterson , the server experienced this at its worst.

    The whole point of the game is to create situations in which these epic battles can occur, but at the same time, the game engine/servers clearly can't handle it (anymore?).

    The purpose of this thread is to urge the devs to find a solution. My suggestion is that the population cap of a continent be lowered and the total landmass with it.
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  2. Mukist

    I would just go play COD or BF3 or something if you want them to reduce population and land mass... that is what this game is all about. They can always tweak code and do optimization in order to fix the issues you have listed.
  3. TekTR

    The problem is that they don't. This game had performance issues in large battles even before Lattice was implemented, they should have expected this, and done something to fix it. I understand it takes a lot of work and time to fix these things, but it's getting to the point where if you have more than two platoons in a heavy battle the server lags.
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  4. DeltaGun

    PS2 works fine at 48v48, but 100 v 100 and all the sudden the servers lose it.

    The only reason I would play BF3 instead is because at least I know that the server can handle the maximum player size they have set.
  5. Tommyp2006

    PS2 isn't broken, it's just still in open beta.
  6. Lord Robert

    I've noticed this too. Really puts a damper on my desire to log in every day after work, as it is prime time and I know the can't repair heal use ammo packs people flashing in and out all over and hits don't register etc bugs and server problems are going to be more frustrating than fun.
    Hope they realize whats going on and do something to fix it soon, or its going to be a boring June for me.
  7. Lord Robert

  8. DeltaGun

    Another angle SOE could take is changing features which presumably slow down the server: the first features to stop working when the server slows down.

    Change medic tool to fire a full heal on a cooldown. This would reduce the number of events the server has to handle when players are being healed.

    Change engineer tool to fire a full repair on a cooldown. This would reduce the number of events the server has to handle when players are being repaired.

    Add full ammo resupply to engineer repair tool. This allows Engineers to use their gun to repair vehicles or to resupply (instantly) friendly infantry. Remove the Ammo pack, which is expensive for the server to handle, from the game

    Alternatively, these tools could fire HoT versions on a cooldown instead of a full heal. Presumably, this would still lower the number of player interaction events that the server needs to handle while being a bit more balanced.

    Consider removing ammo entirely from some weapons, such as most infantry weapons. The server then no longer has to keep track of ammo pools or worry about resupplying them. Plus I spend a ton of time trying to resupply my weapons in this game. I'm a fan of suppressing fire. More action, better performance, less resupplying.
  9. DeltaGun

    IDK, hats are pretty important.
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  10. EliteEskimo

    Gaben Newell would be proud:p :D
  11. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Connery works fine. Well the server anyway, the players...not so much.