Prowler special ability will be useless.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zealluck, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. zealluck

    Prowler's special ability is quite useless already. When players activate that ability, they are putting up a big "hit me in the face with whatever" sign. But currently it's at least good at one thing: camping the spawn room.

    As next patch comes out with newly designed spawn room, players will be able to get on top of the building safely. Then I don't really know when we are going to use deployment ability anymore, because camping the spawn room will only attract RPGs from the rooftop.

    So my fellow Prowler drivers, any idea where to use that ability? Or we just pretend we never had that skill?
  2. Aractain

    Its pretty good against zerglings I hear but spread out the marines infront because of the banelings...
  3. Momo93

    They should give the Prowlers ability to the Magrider because that is already a sniper tank, and would benefit from that. The Prowler would greatly benefit from the afterburn ability.