[Vehicle] Prowler = new PPA

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. Ronin Oni


    GK is getting nerfed. Double the drop, 10% velocity, and adding bloom to harasser variant which made for a cheap mobile turret basically.

    Prowlers double barrel has ALWAYS been it's "zomg" strength. Actually, the lockdown HE prowler is still far less OP now than it was way back pre splash nerfs, when the VS and NC HE main canons (Lightning HE was great, though of course not as good as Prowler,but NOT VS/NC MBT's however)

    Now NC/VS HE is actually somewhat viable (lockdown countered drop on HE anyways with huge velocity buff) while the prowlers is far weaker than before, I will agree it's still better than the other 2... and by a fair margin... I dunno the solution really, it's double barrel has always been far more efficient at that.

    Meanwhile a good Mag driver and mitigate a lot of damage with mobility and Vanguards can win any head to head 1v1 with shield in straight up fight (or save from rear ambush which might have killed the other 2)

    Then NC get Ravens which is hands down and by far the best MAX avail AV, and the VS in turn get the individually weak but absolutely horrifying to face teams of Lancers

    Everyone's got their own OP crap... the differences is what makes it bloody Assymetrical.

    TR has to have something OP... that happens to be their MBT damage output.

    Lockdown prowlers are often cert pinatas though... they aren't, you know, moving much.

    Valk over as LA, bail and C4. 350 Nanites to kill 450 + 2 players.

    Tweaks are needed, but lets not be melodramatic or biased.
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  2. Ronin Oni

    Accuracy IS being nerfed on Harasser. It's getting bloom where it had none. There goes it's accuracy. It will be accurate enough to be worth using, but not sitting back 600m on a hill like now as a 150 nanite mobile turret.

    Both variants are also getting a 50 m/s velocity nerf and a double of it's gravity (drop) value, so will have to calculate more lead and drop on distant targets (still less lead/drop than Halberd/Enforcer/Saron - no drop but has even slower round IIRC)
  3. PasitheeVS

    Nothing has changed with the last Patch, the slight Gatekeeper nerf, the Prowler is still OP.

    Its high dps can take out vehicles fast on short range (with/without Anchor + Vulcan).
    And the spam of high speed projectiles witzh insane dps (Anchor + Gatekeeper) can farm vehicles
    and infantry on insanely high ranges.

    The Prowler is OP and needs a nerf. It's not doing its job or has faction traits, it's just OP. Well, OPness is a TR faction trait, but nvm.
    It doesn't need "adjustments" or "tweaks". No. Just brainless, easily done nerfs.

  4. SwornJupiter

    You just have to accept that each faction has its various strengths and weaknesses. For the TR, it just so happens to be armored warfare - their Prowlers and Vulcans are a testament to this fact. This, however, does not mean that they are unbeatable.

    To beat the prowler, you don't want to play to its strengths. You want to engage in medium-short range, and use your faction MBT's ability to its potential. Most Prowler drivers have tunnel vision when locked down, so they are no big deal once you learn to wisen up.

    Looking at the other factions, both the VS and NC have versatility on their side - with no shortcomings anywhere, really. They have incredibly powerful short-range weapons, and amazing long-range weapons as well - the tools to readily deal with any threat that the other factions can pose to them. But for the TR, in exchange for the power of their vehicles, they have grave shortcomings in their infantry AV department - strikers and fractures.

    In regard to your claim that the prowler 'isn't doing its job', wasn't the prowler designed as a long-range MBT? Kind of like an 'artillery piece', as it was coined by beta players. I mean, it has two barrels, so more dakka dakka - the TR trait, right?
  5. Ryo313

    yeah you're right TR = OP and i guess thats your proof am i right?

    srsly now... TR is UP AND got nerfed again.
    VS should srsly stop crying they are the last ones who have the right to call something/someone op.

    Vs cried about the Vulcan so much that they got a ripoff of the vulcan.
    Striker still sucks and everyone was crying about it and what did we get? the NS Striker for everyone (functions like a fixed old striker)
    Fractures are still crap as well

    where are the Vs weapon clones like the lasher , lancer for TR? there are none so VS pls shut up

    yes we got the prowler but guess what? it doesn't come for free... you have to spend resources each time you spawn one. unlike all the infantry **** VS and NC got.

    its somehow funny that the op faction is crying about the up faction beeing op x'D
    silly VS always wants to be the best in everything and want to nerf everything that has a chance against them... silly VS thats not how balance works.

    funny how this game is biased and leaning torwards VS and TR gets left behind in the dirt by the devs.
  6. asmodraxus

    Yet when the TR cried about the Orion it was BALANCE right?

    No one cried about the Vulcan except on Harassers. We actually pointed out its short comings on the Prowler, vs the CQC abilities on the Harasser and how it should not of had its clip size increased.

    Name one OP VS weapon

    Vortex AV max - Fractures get more kills does that make the Vortex UP?
    Orion is the least performing CQC LMG
    MBT's - Prowler wins, fastest, most DPS, Vanguard has the whole armor thing, VS has er mobility except when the Gateeeper invalidates that mobility with projectile velocity, to "dodge" a GK you need a 0 ping and be 450m away, oh and have instant reaction times.
    Lancer 843 kills, Striker, seeing as its sub par right should have a lot less then 1050 kills err somethings gone wrong..............

    ok so the VKPU does favor the VS but then the amount of users favors TR. (by about 150 unique users)
    Data from monthly weapon stats on Oracle of death

    Under par VS stuff
    Beamer and assorted VS sidearms (seriously when the commissioner is getting better KPH, KPU and Kills then the starter pistol that should tell you something is badly wrong with it, I have 6 kiils with the Beamer and 200 plus with the commie)
    PPA/PPA-H - The VS spitfire generates more kills per day and we all know how lethal a spitfire is or isn't
    VS Max ability aka self nerf mode
    VS Tank ability, brings nothing useful to a tank fight other then oh **** I need to get out of here except it goes towards the threat...
    VS and TR specific sniper rifles (compared to the NC version)
    Magrider front/driver cannons
    VS Assault rifles (when the NS version is better then 2 of them CME and Corvus).

    Right now its more like looking to a TR faction of the month, but hey what would I know seeing as the VS has always been under populated and fighting 38% TR with 28% VS is just normal right?
  7. asmodraxus

    Oh and lancer clone = Archer
    Lasher clone = Gatekepper for the splash damage or the Pounder, now wheres the VS MCG clone and can we get it on a Max as well?
    Lasher least kills, KPH, KPU of all the HA weapons

    Lancer has the long range, Phoenix hard coded limited range to about 280m, Striker has the same crouching CoF as the Lancer right, but unlike the Lancer it has the coyote mechanic on air and nets more kills.
  8. PasitheeVS

    Lancer for TR: Don't need it, the Prowler can shoot back, headshooting the HA from render distance and dominates every tank fight. If that's not enough: AV-Mana-Turret = Lancer. Free, long range, Infantry AV.

    Swarm = Lancer? The Swarm is a normal lock-on with 3 projectiles having the power of one normal, while the Striker is a heat-seaking weapon. Lock-On without lock-on-timer. Ever seen it in a valk? Do you even play the Game? Is your IQ above 50?

    All tanks cost resources. The difference is that your tanks destroys enemy vehicles worth 5 times it's own resources per minute.

    VS OP? Good joke.
    VS is the least populated faction doing the least kills and spending the least time in vehicles. How could we? When our Tanks are made out of paper, shooting with tickling weapons?

    And the Video: back then when I read the title I laughed and I didn't even view it, but now it has become true.
  9. Ryo313

    cry some more dude you're just filling my pool with your tears

    and your nonsense is really funny tho xD
    archer as clone of the lancer? wait a sec you can charge the archer and instahit with a rocket/laser thingy?
    i don't see any lasher clone on any infantry did i miss something?

    striker = long exposer time and that gets you killed pretty easily ... the coyote mechanic is useless most of the time (no long range weapon)
  10. Ryo313

    sweet one of those vs kids again X'D let's see how i can burst your bubble....

    mana turret = Lancer u serious? o_O haven't seen any mana turret chargeing up behind cover and instagib dmg everything thats far away
    swarm = "fixed" old striker for everyone idk where you get the idea of it beeing the lancer
    prawler + lock down = easy target

    and for your info... that vid is a joke idk why you don't even get it maybe your IQ is under 50 x'D

    TR is nowhere near op lol x'D
  11. Savadrin

    This is mostly to Pasithee, but Your quote was lower down. In fairness, VS has been owning emerald alerts for quite some time, and they outpop easily as often as not.

    The magrider is the ONLY tank that can catch my harasser. Maybe tankers are too busy hiding and hoarding their precious slag heaps to remember the magrider can't be escaped if it wants you dead. And mountains.

    The vortex is stupid. It's a hitscan weapon that can kill tanks while they can't even render you. I have no idea why more people aren't using it, except that they're lazy, cheap, or just want to cry until they get a weapon that kills everything equally to solidify being lazy and cheap.

    Ravens? nothing more needs to be said.

    Even the Comets are better than Pounders at ANY range due to no drop. See lazy and cheap above.

    So essentially in MAX alone, TR is not only the worst, but VS has a better option AND a better version of our BEST option. Suck it, Trebek.

    You guys claiming magriders are weak just don't know how to use one, obviously. The are the hardest tank to kill IMO as a harasser driver, unless they don't have a 2nd gunner AND I can get into donut range so the spin can't keep up with me. And then everyone acts like strafing and 4 direction instant mobility doesn't help against MBTs.



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  12. asmodraxus

    Vortex and Lancer's both have projectile velocity

    Vortex tier one (most popular due to higher dps) is about equal to that of the nerfed Gatekeeper 450 m/s, so anyone saying the Vortex is hitscan please remember you are also saying the Gatekeeper post nerf is as well...
    Tier 2 Vortex is 500 m/s (Gatekeeper pre nerf) and tier 3 is 550 m/s

    Lancer on the other hand is 600 700 and 800 based on charge level.
  13. Savadrin

    The key difference is that the harasser ALWAYS renders even if it's hard to see. The MAX might not.

    Using terrain to shield yourself from return fire is what you're supposed to do, but shooting from out of render is a different story. I'm not against it - I just don't want to hear about TR OP because frankly we suck *** in the AV department.

    By the time I'm in Vulcan range I can be hit ONCE and then a dirty look will make me explode, so I don't want to hear Vulcan OP, at least on harassers. I hardly ran the gatekeeper except with inexperienced gunners OR if I knew that I would NEED range flexibility.

    The Vulcan is far and away the better gun, AV, AI, and AA. It's just hard capped around 100m. Still pull it 90% of the time. But now I can't even get into a ranged engagement with tanks. By the time they've collected themselves and changed pants after the laughter at the recoil-drunk-shotgun-pellet-spread-Lolkeeper caused them to piss themselves, my gunner is like WTF is this **** anyway? And then we explode from the two shots and windy day it takes to kill us.
  14. Dualice

    Faction bias too stronk.

    I call troll.
  15. PasitheeVS

    A Harrasser can move from place to place with like 120 kph and a max with... 10 kph I guess?
    Also you're comparing Apples with Oranges.
    Compare Harrasser Weapons to Harrasser weapons and don't do weird crossovers.
    Your inefficient way of thinking makes balancing just more complicated.

    You have great Vehicles for AV.

    Yeah, the Aphelion is a complete downgrade of the Vulcan and the Mjolnir... I think it is the loud sound or the really high bullet drop making it hard to use.
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  16. Campagne

    No shortcomings eh?
    No shortcomings, eh?

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  17. XanIves

    Game update a few months back changed max render distance, so if the max is wielding any AV weapons, it is rendered out to vehicle render range. It makes it really easy to see high-res maxes dancing on far away really low-res mountains, and sniping them with 2x isn't exactly hard at that point. I think this change also applied to infiltrators that have a BASR equipped.
  18. Savadrin

    So you've dodged every point. Good work. You should have waited longer and tried to come up with ANYTHING to refute what I said rather than just bringing a bunch of straw men and propping them up.

    My "inefficient thinking" is how the game is actually played with combined arms and asymmetrical balance, not your vacuum VR world where balance is achieved only with similar weapon types. Nice try though.

    And what about when I bring a MAX in the rumble seat on my harasser, with a heavy as a gunner and myself as an engineer?

    Now we have all of the mobility and all of the options. What's your next excuse?

    This is very useful information, thank you. I'll have to look into it :)
  19. FrozenCustard

    TL:DR OP wants the prowler to have the same dps.
  20. JohnGalt36
