Proposition to Change Current Medkit Mechanics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Megaman3300, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Megaman3300

    OR: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Blame the Devs

    So, currently medkits are the go-to item for any infantry class, with the possible exception of Medic. Why? C4 is useless against infantry due to the lag in putting bricks down and blowing them, and useless against any MAX running even lvl 1 Flak armor, again due to the lag in putting down 2 bricks. Resto kits are directly inferior to medkits, as they heal over a greater amount of time than medkits. Meanwhile, medkits allow a player with a good mouse to stay alive while under fire for far, far longer than they have any right to, due to the fact that they work using the same mechanics as the resto kit, only a lot faster.

    The fast healing ability wouldn't necessarily be a problem if it were capped at a certain number of hitpoints; however, from my experience ingame and the experience of others, the medkits continue to heal you until you are at 100% health. Basically, so long as you remain below 499.99... hp, the medkits will continue to provide healing. This shouldn't be an issue; TTKs in this game can theoretically overpower the medkit's healing factor, depending on the weapon used. Unfortunately, with issues in netcode, latency, and weapons balance (143/652 tier ftw), Medkits can turn a decent player into one which cannot die (see: DA medkit spammers), and again makes resto kits completely redundant.

    In my opinion, there's a simple way to mediate the tanking ability of the medkits, without completely removing its viability, AND make the resto kits more viable as an option for the utility slot: Cap the medkit's healing at 250, but keep the speed at which it heals, and decrease the resource cost of resto kits to 50. This allows a decently certed player to continue to use the medkits to tank, but he has to think more about when to do it. It also makes resto kits more viable by simply not making them redundant. If you need a full heal after a firefight, use a resto kit; if you need a panic button, use the medkits.

    tl;dr: KITTENS
    • Up x 1
  2. Blastuh

    • Up x 2
  3. Typhoeus

    People really do complain about everything and anything. Med kits are fine. Moving along...
  4. Tommyp2006

    I just wanna be able to use my medkits on my allies
  5. Megaman3300

    Says the guy who mainly plays in vehicles.

    That would be very nice, and it would add a bit more utility to the slot.
  6. Typhoeus

    Checking my stats here and I've got 4157 kills with vehicles. I'm not getting results for basilisks, bulldogs, walkers, rangers and all liberator guns but it probably ain't that much more, maybe 500 being generous. More then half my kills are from infantry combat my good sir. Have you any more assumptions to throw around?