[Suggestion] Proposed Changes to the Phaseshift Sniper Rifle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EPIC389, May 19, 2016.

  1. EPIC389

    As far as i know, most people dislike the phaseshift. It tries to be a sniper rifle with infinite ammo and in theory, sounds pretty good. In practice however, it isn't very effective

    I have thought out a list of changes:

    1. Sync up the Charge with the meter. It'll make it easier to get full charge
    2. Reduce Charging time. This will be useful especially when you are holding your breath
    3. Slightly increase velocity maybe by 50m or so
    Lastly and i believe this is the most important change, is to allow it to charge while cloaked. This isn't really too much of an advantage as bolt actions function similarly to this.

    If you agree with my opinions, feel free to comment and give ideas of your own

    If you dont agree, pls give your reasons why?

    What are your Thoughts?
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  2. orangejedi829

    If it became a BASR with no drop and infinite ammo, methinks it would be a wee* bit OP.

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  3. TheMish

    I think it should more or less function in similar fashion to the lancer or Vortex. VS are all about high accuracy and mobility.

    So maybe what's best is giving the phaseshift the highest bullet velocity of any rifle in the game, and removing the sway on all the scopes.

    Next what you do is you keep the charge mechanism, but you don't make it that it fires on its own after a while, you just keep the charge until you fire.

    Because it's incredibly stupid that it fires off, snipers need to time their shots, and if your choice is either spam firing few rounds, or making rushed shots with the charge round.

    So far what the Phaseshift does incredible well is let some guy seriously piss off tankers, pilots, and engineers using turrets, because the guy can sit far away with a silencer, suffering nothing because he doesn't deal with bullet drop, and he has infinite ammunition so he can just fire away all day.
  4. Dunmergamer

    I totally agree with the "charging while cloaked" mechanic, its the only thing that would make it viable against other snipers. And I dont think it would be OP with infinite ammo, because its effective range is rather short (its a semi auto weapon after all) + the charging sound is very loud and will give away your position, not to mention that other factions can simply equip ammo belt. It would be nice to see this weapon more often on the battlefield, since it looks so badass and its empire specific. Btw. the Gorgons that came with the recent patches helped NC more than any other faction, so its time to give VS some love!
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  5. Diggsano

    The effective Range for Phaseshift is 200m~
    I totally agree with the charge while cloaked, same by spiker
  6. Dunmergamer

    Either the charge, or give the weapon some lower scopes. Or both ;)
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  7. EPIC389

    I don't think Charging while cloaked will make it overpowered. It instead allows you to compete with other snipers properly. If you were to say face a sniper or near or equal skill with a standard BASR, you'd be screwed using charged shots.

    Another thing to note is that the phaseshift has extremely short effective distance for a sniper rifle. 200m or so is not very appealing for a sniper rifle. These changes i proposed help mitigate that problem

    Lastly. I forgot to mention, that the phaseshift should also get access to 1x-4x scopes(not including IRNV). This would be the only sniper rifle to get this and would make it unique and more appealing for snipers
  8. Stormsinger

    I'm all for Phaseshift buffs - I haven't touched mine in about 6-8 months. As for your ideas...

    I'd love to see a bit of work done on the charge mechanic, no complaints here.

    Sounds good to me, but this is one of the primary limiting factors of the gun - a change like this would have to be made with care. I'd say reduce total charge time by 100ms to start out with, and see how it feels.

    Perhaps, although there's a very fine line between "This gun sucks!" and "OMG NERF IT NOW!" - a better route may be to decrease the velocity penalty from Suppressors. The Railjack has a special class of suppressor that reduces projectile velocity by 50.5%, while all other Sniper rifles have a penalty of 40%. Perhaps reduce the Phasshift's suppressor to -20% velocity instead of boosting the base muzzle velocity. It's also worthwhile to note that the Phaseshift's projectiles have a hard range limit of approximately 500m (Despawning projectiles. This limit is from memory, so it may be precise.)

    I'm on the fence about this one - This would be the only Bolt Action that can fire on decloak with no projectile drop. I'm usually the first person to state that this doesn't matter (For a variety of reasons, which I won't go into here) - but on a BASR, it might be a bit over the top. I'm definitely open to the possibility, but i'd watch stats closely after making a change like this.

    For a while now, the main thing I've wanted for the Phaseshift, is a close-range no-sway scope, aside from a small bump in suppressed projectile velocity - those two changes would put it firmly in the short / midrange rifle category.
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  9. LaughingDead

    Reduce charging time sure but a time increase exposed verses charging while cloaked breaks the deal imo.
    Never running out of ammo is actually a pretty big deal, you could make the sniper a semi and just peck a guy down or you could charge up and completely kill a mans. That sort of versatility has to have a sort of drawback, increased exposure time while charging is a good one. However, reducing the charge time to something a bit more reasonable would work.

    oh yeah and lets let the vs have an infinite ammo rocket launcher too :(
  11. breeje

    yep no problem for me, but can the TR and NC have one weapon with infinite ammo
    to math it in the lore, the weapon technique would have been stolen from the vanu
  12. LaughingDead

    I'd rather have a railjack with a different function besides a very annoying delay. or higher bullet velocity. Or even hitscan.....ok maybe that would be broken even with delay.
  13. Plorf

    what I want is the ability to hold the charge indefinitely, and an alternate fire mode just for semi auto shots so that annoying delay goes away.

    if it still needs changes after that I'd like to see a higher projectile velocity.
  14. stalkish

    If we're talking lore, the TR would have nothing to do with Vanu tech. They wouldnt bother to steal what they think is unreliable and gimmiky.
    The NC would perhaps be more interested, they like their gauss tech afterall.
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  15. RudestDude

    The one change I would actually love to see, is the ability to remove or mount low magnification optics in addition to the scopes.
    Phaseshift is already more of a semi-auto rifle at its core, and works the best at mid range thanks to this.
    The charge shot is great for countersniping and removing engineers for sure, but being able to use 1-4x sights would make it very competitive against the basic semi-autos up close as an alternate playstyle.
    The lower fire rate is the obvious tradeoff, and that's already on the weapon.