Proper use of comms

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vachek, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. Vachek

    I've learned to mostly ignore proximity as its the most likely to be abused with music, antics, or general tom-foolery. Another issue has popped up recently, mass chatter and scuttlebutt on squad/platoon/command channels. If you use no other comms you may not be aware the kind of confusion you may cause with un-needed info or chatter.

    Some examples:
    A) "Command this is Vachek from SAS we are currently commencing operations on Indar with 3 squads of armor and air support. We are moving from warpgate towards Mao, will will cap all small bases en route then concentrate on the surrounding satellites."

    instead try

    B) "Command SAS on station Indar squads pushing Mao"

    A) "Platoon this is Alpha squad we are going to grab a sundy and drive south around Mekala and park behind the back building, we will try to cover Bravo and Charlie from the North as you approach the gens"

    B) "Alpha moving to south Mekala by Sundy"

    Then there are the completely useless reports that just clog comms for no reason:
    A) "Squad DUDE! Behind you, turn around, he's right there! TR Max, a medic, a heavy and engie. Oh man come on, I tried to warn you wtf"

    B) "3 contacts north stairs"

    A) "Proximity Anyone got ammo? I need a medic. Can someone repair my max?"

    B) Pure scuttlebutt, V+4, V+2, V+3 does the same thing without the clutter, and even puts a mark on you that follows you wherever you go until you get what you requested.

    Now if you were to listen to all the A's at the same time, you would have a hard time making out anything of use. While the B's info can most likely be discerned rather easily. Most outfits use TS, Vent or Mumble on top of in game comms, thats another source of confusion.

    Keep information short and to the point, don't use comms for chatting, take it to text or tells.
  2. aimpoint101

    I would say this would work as long as everyone is on the same format as everyone else. Couple other things to add as well.

    - Don't boast about outfit achievements/try to recruit on the command channel. Squad and Platoon leaders already have a lot of chatter to sift through within their own units, don't make it harder to communicate for being on the command channel.

    - When requesting support on command channel from other organized units, declare what you are having trouble with along with your request. That way if say you need more AA, people will (should) only reply if they can provide. This is in contrast to having a bunch of people ask "What do you need?.
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