Projectile Rendering

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mafia Puppet, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Mafia Puppet

    Does anyone know when projectiles aren't rendered? I see people talk about how everything's supposed to be traceable, but I don't think I've ever seen a bullet or tank shell shot towards me from farther than ~100 meters. Rockets seem show up when fired from a little further out. However, I am constantly shot at by invisible lock-on missiles (especially versus TR with the 3-shot one or the MAX). The prowler's bullets also sometimes don't show up when we're fighting from extreme distances, even though I get hit by them. I have no problem with spotting the big, brightly-colored Magrider projectiles, on the other hand.

    I have rendering distance to max and run on a high-end with mostly max settings.

    Do shots only render from people closer than 150 meters? Is that part of why they're nerfing the snipers?