Producer's Letter

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. makulina74

    i was member 1 month age but now i cant claim my 500sc cuz i am not member any more and i also recived only 12 daily certs. can u tell me what happend
  2. CowPie

    I sure do hope you start producing.
  3. CowPie

    New producer
  4. darkcrunk

    g'day mate,
    while i know u are new to this game i believe u have damn near single handedly ruined this game with the introduction of the new nanite resource update. What is the point of capping bases if there is no reward? or even the point of having so many consumables if they are unattainable? I have been playing on a daily basis since the beta, and the system was not broken but now i truly believe it is!
    I do really enjoy this game and i hope to do so in the future but this does just seem like a money making ploy to encourage the purchasing of resource boosts
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  5. Zhakathoom

    I'm not sure that the new producer singlehandedly is to blame for the changes, but I do think you have some valid points on the changes and the reasoning for introducing them.

    - Z
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  6. M4gn1

    I read somewhere that this is a first step. They will reintroduce the resource per base but just like the continent locking it is one step at a time.
  7. Deridium

    I forsee camping situations where the attackers dont cap the base, just camp the base. As capping it is not a focus for them, they want the kills.

    I don't want to be a doomsayer, but who came up with this idea and what had you guys been smoking / drinking? :)



    edit: And no, "first step" is not a solution, as until rest is implemented the problem is still there. You do not introdue a "problem" and tell ppl it will be fixed "later" as a supplier. Dang, if I would do that with my software companies we would been sued for every buck we got.
  8. SidCom

    First of all. respect to Dilys still playing FPS with "over" 60. And i thougt i am a bird of paradise with 47 yo.

    I totaly agree with dilys. All information should be kept on a central forum. Otherwise information gets scattered over certain forums and posts, which makes dicussions complicated, if impossible. It will also result in double posts/threads, unmoderated yada yada yada after the 10th answering post etc.

    I follow PS2 on reddit and twitter (readonly) and i must say that many posts completly irrelevant to OP topic and ends up in complete confusion. (OK, the official forum is not much better)

    IMO, the better way would be to bring order in the official forum. Be more strict with offensive posts, off topic post or other crap and hire some moderators.

    @Dilys: thats a fairy tale that older people has much slower reactions. BUT, what is true is that they need more practice then a young. At least a few hours PS2 close combat per week.:D
    There are university studys about this topic. They found out that the time of an average human between an optcal stimulating until the hand/finger receives the order to move is about 200-250ms, excluding friend or foe recog., movement, aiming, recoil compensation and other situational decisions. That adds another 250 -750ms to the reaction time.
    So an unexperienced player has a reaction time between 500-1000ms.(Not to forget lags, network latency, netcode issues et al)

    An experienced player can reduce this to 250-350 ms. Probably an FPS god can do 180-250. But they are very rare...
    But is see many players that are much faster than this, which is simply not achivable by an human. So they are either not human or something strange is going on.

    Which server you are playing? Maybe we can do some teamplay...the old guns or so
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  9. holyicon

    New resource icons BEFORE Colorblind IFF support. Are you serious?
    You've been promising this for years and we're still waiting.
    How hard is this for you to grasp?
    O's for Good Guys. X's for bad guys.
    Just make it toggle-able in the options!
    Let the people that like the Doritos, keep 'em.


    Hell, here's a freebee if you wan to get fancy with icons.


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  10. HACK7668

    i sure hope this game lives up to the hype otherwise i don't see any reason to be paying for ps plus i bought it just for this game ( which still hasn't come out for ps4 ) so good Luck to you sir and hope we hear some kind of a release date soon
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  11. HACK7668

    thanks guys for making me feel young I'm only 46 and i don't have a problem with reaction time its the damn arthritis that gets me
  12. Bruce1

    One question only. When is physx coming back? That is all I care about.
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  13. Who Garou

    Yeah, it's a 100th Monkey Thing. I've been rallying for that since I started playing City of Heroes.
    With as much data-mining that is done in most games, it seems pretty obvious even if they poll answers are limited to include the entire player-base versus a small subsection of players that happen to be at the right place at the right time.

    I don't come to these forums all that often, so I don't really recall where that "20 minute time span" part come from.
    It was possibly from another players post (I couldn't find it in yours) that I was trying to reply to. (I'm trying to figure out what when wrong with resources - OI VEY!)

    It seems like - I don't know - 3 to 6 months ago that my replies stopped having the quote show up related to the post that I was replying to.

    I'm guessing it was something related to having a Tweet feed or response time of 20 minutes in what ever form of communication for discussion of a "hot topic".
  14. Who Garou

    24 hours - especially not on a weekend day - will not possibly give the chance for all players to respond.
    Giving an entire weekend will insure a much larger percentage of the player base is included as most players will be on at least at some point over a weekend. I would add Friday night and Monday AM as well to make sure to give time for the players that might work long/on-call shifts on the weekends have time to respond.

    I'm not saying leaving it up for an entire week - but that is really the best bet to get the most players to respond to an in-game poll as it not only give them time to access it, but it also give them time to take the poll a time that doesn't interfere with their gaming time.

    The key is getting true feedback and not trying to dredge up some small sampling as quickly as possible if you are truly tying to get input form the player-base.
  15. MrSlashgun59

    Bonjour à tous je suis nouveau sur PS2 je viens de le télécharger hier je les installer mais au moment de le lancer ça m'indique que " Launchpad was unable to connect" Je voulais juste savoir si cest a cause des serveurs ou un truc dans le genre qui ont un problème en ce moment ou si jai fais une ***** dans mon installation. Merci d'avance aux gens qui pourront me répondre
  16. MrSlashgun59

    Hello everyone I'm new PS2 I just yesterday I download the install but at the start it tells me that "Launchpad Was Unable to connect" I just wanted to know if it's a server issue or something in the kind have a problem right now or make a jai ***** in my installation. Thank you in advance for people who can answer me
  17. BobSanders123

    Dear Mr. Carey,

    Ever since you took over the game has suddenly and magically become much better. The last update was very nice, although the tank nerf was unnecessary in my opinion. The Ns7 PDW commissioner ribbon bug has finally been fixed, and possibly one of the biggest bug patches I have ever seen was implemented. Without an entire week of server downtime and troubleshooting. Liberators have finally been put on par with the MBT resource wise. Around 20 something new weapons have been added! (Even though they sort of still look the same, please work on making new models next, except for the pistols, those are cool). The flash has finally become a cheap and effective way to get around the world, and the new hud polish and death screen are magnificent. You nerfed the PPA right as people started to get pissed instead of waiting an entire year! And repairing scythes and galaxies is no longer a huge pain in the ***! The rocket launcher zoom bug was also fixed.

    And that is not all! You basically listed every bug I have encountered since the update, and since I know you guys are already working to fix it, I don't really care about the bugs.

    This is how Planetside should have been from the beginning. Listening to the community, fixing known bugs as quick as possible, balancing things as quick as possible, and informing the community of what still needs to be improved upon.

    I don't know if it was because the change of management or something, but kudos to you Mr. Carey.

    Now I just want faction specific colored HUDs. And loading screens, so I don't have to look at rebel scum every time I boot the game up.
  18. Stinneyt

    The last update of changes are the nail in the coffin for me.
    One nice thing was the single pool of resources but its not enough to compensate for all the other crap.

    So thanks for the first 6 months post launch. It was fun but after the first 6 months, it was a long slow process of hoping things would get better, whilst watching them steadily get worse.

    Stinney out.
  19. MrSlashgun

    Could you tell me if now the PS2 servers bugue or if I have done a DInstalling problem because when I run PS2 it makes me "launchpad Was Unable to connect" If anyone can help me arrange its me
  20. MrSlashgun

    Pourriez vous me dire si en ce moment les serveurs PS2 bugue ou si jai fait un probleme dinstallation car quand je lance PS2 ça me met "launchpad was unable to connect" Si quelqu'un peut maider sa m'arrangerai