Producer's Letter

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. HadesR

    Hi :) and when are you fixing the hit detection then :p
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  2. AdmiralArcher

    24 hours would be better, and in game polls could be done much like star conflict does their polls, only the reward could be certs
  3. Ronin Oni

    I will stalk you on ALL the medias.... :eek:

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  4. NinjaTurtle

    d-carey, you have been doing an awesome job so far just keep doing what you are doing
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  5. Doomzzg

    Might as well rename the game to Vanuside 2 or Redditside 2 then
  6. NC supporter

    You do realize you have to pay a decent sum of money to change the name of the game right?
  7. LordTankT9

    I wish you good luck in making game better, but to be honest I'm not really pleased with the game for past 2 years, but I will give you a chance and hope for making a brighter future. :)
  8. Doomzzg

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  9. eldarfalcongravtank

    dear mister carey,

    please do not implement the tank cannon, tank projectile velocity and tank projectile arc changes currently on pts into the final game. they will seriously ruin the fun for many of us. i am not talking about the controversial topic of farming, i am talking about vehicle vs vehicle gameplay. it will ruin the entire flow of battle

    thank you and keep up the good work!
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  10. Colinthetank

    Great, I only have to subscribe to at least three twitter feeds in order to get updates. Why is it you are the only game company that can't have your own developers post on your official forums. Why do I have to scour through multiple websites/social media accounts to find a specific update. How much harder could it be for them to make a quick post on the forums?
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  11. Alyz

    Thanks for the letter and good luck with your new job!

    Don't know how the news links end up in the planetside2 awesomium starter, but it'd be nice to have the important discussions on reddit linked from there, not necessarily from the forums. I check the starter and the game itself more often than a website.
  12. d_carey Developer

    I don't disagree with anything you said here. If you'd ask the team, the very first thing I said in my new role was that 'we are a messy game, and we need to fix it'. To back that up, I think you'll notice in the following updates that the breakneck pace of feature addition slows somewhat, to allow more polished features and also more bug fixes. Multiple bugs that you called out in our list are on my kill list, and we literally have a team meeting every week to discuss the status of each.
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  13. d_carey Developer

    Farming is a hot topic with the team; something we really want to address. With the July update, we're adding some cover options that will help us combat it. I don't think anyone disagrees that the cycle of spawn/die/spawn/die etc is bad for our game. We just have to be careful with how heavy handed we are with attempted fixes. Part of our game that makes it unique is the freedom we allow.

    Let us know what you think about about the July update changes and if we're going in the right direction or not.
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  14. d_carey Developer

    More people check twitter on a regular basis than these forums. I can reach more of our playerbase with a tweet and reach them faster than with a post here. That being said, I'll look into automation to repost what I tweet here.

    If you only subscribe to my twitter, you will still be better informed and don't need to do all 3.
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  15. The1WT

    First... I am a new member ) like a few days ) .. And have to say I am loving what I am seeing with-in the game, yeah some things may seem off as in timing and even looks but I am getting used to it so, so far you are doing a good job. if there were to be anything I am having a disliking to would be lack of better weapons and the infantry should be able to lay down not just crouch. but over all, keep up the great work.
  16. d_carey Developer

    No idea, can you contact the admins in some way?
  17. d_carey Developer

    My lawn is IMMACULATE (just installed under water drip irrigation; let's go water conservation) but I don't feel the need to broadcast it.

    ...Damn, I just did. Well played, sir. Well played indeed.
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  18. AdmiralArcher

    regarding cover.......will a dynamic cover system like what Ghost recon phantoms has ever be considered?

    it would be kinda cool......
  19. Rhumald

    Only because you've perpetuated that fact. If you made the forums an actual hub for communicating with your player base, people would use them to both get the latest news, and generate positive feedback/discussion.

    When a companie's employees wont even use their dedicated forums to communicate with their fans, the only image it puts forwards is "I hate talking with these people"... it hurts.
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  20. AdmiralArcher

    you are now my favorite SOE employee

    Clegg used to be....then he left for a zombie game...and i dont do zombie games

    i give you +1 Company points my good sire
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