Problem with NC Galaxy, (And other aircraft.) HUD

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IvanCGray, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. IvanCGray

    This isn't really a bug, per se, so I guess it fits better here; when flying in 1st person mode, each empire has a different color scheme for it's heads-up display. This is a cool minor, faction-flavored touch, and would be great except for the fact that on Esamir and Hossin during certain times of day, the sky color makes it impossible to see your HUD in 1st person if pointed towards the sunset, due to the NC HUD being yellow. Could this please get a look-over?
  2. ronjahn

    A look over as in "allow players to choose the color of the HUD and shape of their reticle?"

    I'm right on board with this one. I don't play TR specifically because I am red/green color blind and I cannot see the TR HUD against green background, you know the color which makes up a majority of locations in this game.

    In fact I have boycotted spending any money on my TR toon until this issue is resolved.
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  3. MrNature72

    Oh god that's horribly hilarious.

    I don't mean to pick fun on you, but imagine if this was all real, and there was a colorblind TR.


    On a serious not, that's an equally serious issue that should be dealt with. That's just a huge hindrance to you that you can't even help. And all it would take is a simple color swap! I really hope, for your sake, they get that fixed properly.
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  4. IvanCGray

    Please just give us the freedom to palette swap; It's to my understanding that some of the VS have a horrible time with their Scythe HUD against a bright blue background, such as Amerish morning sky. This team-colored HUD feature is really screwing some of us over, at times.
  5. ronjahn

    I know your not picking fun, but If it was real, I would never be allowed to drive a tank in the first place. All US armed forces ban colorblind people from driving vehicles :)

    You don't even have to be colorblibd for this to impact you though, it's just particularly difficult for us. It would also give some nice customization options that so many people have been asking for!
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  6. Prudentia

    VS airvehicles are the best... no actually VS skyguard. sky coloured HUD in a vehicle that does nothing else but look at the sky for 99% of it's combat time... :eek:
  7. TheMercator

    Same with the NC Tracers. Seeing light yellow colored bullets against the bright sky is freaking hard.
  8. Pirbi

    Spiffy pair of aviators that cut down on glare. Only 25 SC.
  9. IvanCGray

    That'd be a bad fix Pirbi; screen dimming could mess with night-time flight, and some like myself already have to deal with wearing dark eyewear inside, at night, etc. due to migraines and the like. Screen-dimming cosmetics are not the solution.
  10. WTSherman

    I find night vision useful on the Skyguard. Sky turns black, aircraft turn bright green, all three factions' HUDs show up against black.

    It's rather difficult to use against low-fliers though, then EVERYTHING is green.
  11. Pirbi

    I wasn't being serious. But for whatever reason had an image of someone wearing aviators while flying a sim.
  12. Prudentia

    yeah, i have Nivhtvision on almost all my AA guns. zoom is useless on them anyway and thermal has too low of a range. Night vision atleast provides high contrast imaging almost out to aircraft render distance