Problem after certs refund

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Amnoon, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Amnoon

    I taked my certs back but when i have going to check my weapons with advanced foward grip i saw that i have it equiped but i am able to unlock it... Soooo it's a bug or... what it's hapenign here.

  2. Keldrath

    I got the same problem, I think everyone did.

    Also I tried buying the laser sight with smeds and it only unlocked for that one gun, not globally.
  3. BuckRaven

    Yeah, that's supposed to happen. If you bought a scope for a weapon only available to one class, that scope was always only available on that weapon but for every soldier who could use that particular weapon.
  4. Prudentia

    Instead of 1500certs i got 3000
    and i can still use all my advanced attachments and only have to reequp them everytime i relog, Switch continent etc
    juicy, i think i'm going with 3 extra weapons instead of convinience
  5. Ronin Oni

    Yeah, account wide means if you have another TR, and you bought a laser sight for the Carv on one, then the other one could use the Laser sight on the Carv as well.

    Not that it unlocks the laser sight for all guns o_O Holy smokes I'd even buy them then lol
  6. omfgwee

    I dont get it please explain it like for 7 years old.

    I got refunded now yes ? Now do i have the attachment unlocked or i have to unlock it again? How much will cost me to do it ?
  7. Tommyp2006

    Yes you have the attachment still. It says in the known bugs section of the patch notes that it might still have the unlock button there even though you own it.