PPA nerf incoming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Plunutsud pls, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. jadebenn

    The nerf to 20 shots is too much IMO. Now extended mag is gonna be mandatory. I think making the ppa a default 30 and letting you cert it up to 50 would have been good, at most you can get up to 35 shots now.
  2. Champagon

    You do know the weapon hasn't changed in 1.5 years NOW its OP. Right right
  3. WTSherman

    Funny, the Vanguard shield was in exactly the same boat when it got nerfed. It's like reverse power creep.
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    all I can say to that..... is we need to nerf forumside.
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  5. ElCreepo

    Oh nice! Now it's only going to be "a whole lot better" than the C85, rather than "hilariously better" like it's been since launch.
  6. DatVanuMan

  7. Pacster3

    The devs gonna have to nerf the PPA into the ground...cause the PPA is the only weapon that is worth anything on the magrider, so people will use it as long as it isn't useless like everything else. But don't worry, once we are done with PPA, we'll be back at the 2 shot main cannon of the prowler, the shield of the vanguard, the jackhammer, the pounders, chain gun, scatmax or maybe AV-mana-turrets. The PPA-crying just distracted forumside for a couple of weeks from those....;-)
  8. WTSherman

    The shield has already lost 33% of its HP and 25% of its duration, I would be extremely disappointed if SOE's reverse power creep caught up with it already.

    As it is now it's basically possible to break it in one shot with an AP cannon. The Prowler can two-shot it with HEAT and overkill it with AP.

    What do you want it to do, just make the tank glow bright blue but otherwise have no effect?
  9. Flashtirade

    You know what, this will actually equalize tank AI secondaries.
    Everyone will be using the Kobalt.
  10. Chrispin


    I love how VS complain twice as much as TR now that they'll get something equivalent to the marauder (according to Higby anyway).
  11. MajiinBuu

    I'll still use it. YOU CAN'T TELL ME HOW TO LIVE, HIGBY!
    Watch, next they'll add gravity to the PPA
  12. Kolbax

    Not exactly topic specific but the laugh will be on all of you when things get so nerfed people just up and leave the game.

    Or... has that already happened lol? meh I'll hold fire until they merge the rest of the servers and you're all just left with 1 EU server and 1 for the other.

    With the amount of peeps I see packing NS-15m, PDW or MKV-S and then the tank fiasco theres barely anything left to the game diversity wise anyway. Ugh why bother posting in reality, nvm! >.<
  13. Shadoiex

    It's because it's used in the filter.
  14. CDN_Wolvie

    You know what the truly bizarre part of all this is?

    Its all just a smoke screen for how lame PS2 spawn, base, terrain, and lattice design is with the fundamental mechanics that results in vicious downward spiral of spawn camping and zergs in response to the spawn camping.

    We wouldn't even need to be all that concerned with the OPness of Armor vs Infantry (DA FUQ?) if we had PS1 spawn, base, terrain, and lattice design as a bare minimum to be improved upon rather than disregarded.

    We're just going to keep treading over this "Nerf X Weapon" forever until some solidly built bases with genuinely combined arms objectives that require class specific strengths exclusively interacting to impact the 3 layers of exclusive (armor's jobs are out there, air's jobs are on top of here, infantry's jobs are in there) defensive lines that aren't swiss cheese in a valley until the attackers make it swiss cheese that end in a SCU that shuts down the Defender Spawns exists.
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  15. KodiakX

    "VS only use things that are OP" - Higby, 2013.
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  16. Chrispin

    AI Secondary Changes: They're planning on doing incremental changes to the AI weapons.

    - Canister: New reticule that matches infantry shotguns. Spread reduced from 1 to 0.9. Maximum damage increased from 80 to 100.
    - Marauder: Velocity increased from 150m/s to 175m/s.
    - PPA: Magazine size decreased from 50 to 20. Maximum ammo capacity decreased from 350 to 200. Magazine Capacity certification changed from 5/10/15/20 to 3/6/12/15.
  17. Xasapis

    I guess that quote will haunt his decisions for a while. ;)
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  18. Leftconsin

    PPA is going to get a hard nerf. Some stats will get reduced by more than half.

    The Marauder and Canister will be hopefull for a 10% increase of a single stat at best.

    This is the way of SOE balance.
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  19. Udnknome

    I personally think it goes far enough.. Similar weapons that have the same splash/shots per kill (Bulldog for instance) have only a 10 shot mag at most.

    If the splash damage goes through (which I think it will b/c it will still troll the same with a 20 shot mag) then the 20 shot mag might be right on the money.

    -----As long as they don't remove splash entirely. Then it will be useless.
  20. KnightCole

    Yes, yes they will...I mean, I think the Rocket OHK is getting nerfed....as is the TITAN150 heat OHk infantry is as well....

    I mean, lets whine about the fact that we die in a shooter game, then we will all get to be invulnerable.

    And as for the Canister, buff it's CoF, not its mag size.....cuz 5000000000000000000 rounds with Canister's CoF means ****, it wont hit anything anyway,...
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