Post patch Claymore inconsistency- a possible explanation featuring Microsoft Paint

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FailureOfEngineering, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. FailureOfEngineering

    Hello Forumside.
    So if you play for the Terran Republic and frequently use our glorious loyal Claymores, you might have noticed that after the 7/7 update they have been somewhat inconsistent. Sometimes they detonate when seemingly no enemies are around, other times they detonate correctly when the enemy is clearly in their blast zone but do no damage.

    Why is that?

    From the last patch notes: oFixed AImines doing damage through walls

    First of all let me say this is a good change. Most of the people out there yelling "Claymores OP" were doing so because the mines were detonating and killing them through walls. So now the damage through walls is gone but the targeting through walls isn't. If the target is inside it's directional blast zone, the Claymore is still going to detect it and explode. Doing no damage because said target has not yet cleared the wall.

    Here is how Claymores worked pre-patch:





    The damage dealt was going through the wall, but because of clientside, the target got pinged that they got Claymored after they cleared the wall.

    Here's how Claymores work now:

    The Claymore will go off as soon as clietnside notifies it a target is in blast radius but because Claymores detonate instantly and the target was technically still behind a wall, it will look like the mine exploded for no reason. If ping is high enough, it will like the Claymore detonated AFTER the target cleared the door and didn't do any damage when actually it was just delayed reaction due to lag and clientside-wise the target was still behind the wall when the mine exploded.

    So how should we Terran engineers and infiltrators deal with this nuisance? Simple, just position the mine at a more obtuse angle. Instead of position it perpendicularly to the wall, put it in more of a 115 degree angle. Something like this:

    That way the mines' targeting cone will no longer detect enemies through walls and thus won't pointlessly explode.

    Be advised, deploying your mines this way will make them more visible through the door and thus easier to shoot down. However, it's way worth it. Having the mine work 100% of the time instead of 60-ish percent of the time at the cost of some more visibility is a no-brainer.
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  2. Halsoy

    afaik explosive damage is done server side. so not sure if this even applies.
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  3. The Shady Engineer

    I think it's done server side too but some points OP is making still apply. Claymores detecting targets through walls and pointlessly detonating is an interesting theory. I'll test it out on live tonight.
  4. LaughingDead

    Ya know, something you can't shoot or react to or play around while hitting you through a wall IS op.
    But I am glad to see people taking the time to post these things and people that purposely put claymores in walls and expect results can suck a betty :3
  5. Zuprize

    I belive it has something to do with latency, I have put claymores in bushes with no walls next to it and watched someone run very close to it, exploded and the target didn't die and it was a heavy most likely not using flak armor.
    Since last patch my server latency is way to high and my network ping is same in the 40-50 region, I have times in small battles that it stays 150 and can't use medkits if it's over 85, this is what I noticed.
  6. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Due to my oblivious nature, or perhaps ignorance I didn't even realise Claymores did damage through walls until the patch mentioned a fix for it. I'm certainly glad it's been resolved, at least in part, as being on the receiving end is never pleasant. I'm also fortunate that I often angle my claymores slightly away from corners or doorways to prevent players with reaction times the speed of light from somehow dodging them.. that is with exception to those times where the game just decides to wave two fingers and eats it causing me to be either forced to throw another or do entirely without.
  7. Taemien

    The explosion location is server side. But the damage is definitely client side. This is how I've been able to run over Bouncing Betties and Proxies with little to no damage. If you sprint by at a weird angle you can survive. Stop once you hear the beep or jump and you die. Most of the time when I do this, its by accident.

    Everytime I've died is usually upon hearing the Proxies beep and stopping to go "oh sh-t." And then kick myself for doing so because I know if I ignored it I would have survived.
  8. The Shady Engineer

    Pretty much everything in the OP turned out to be correct.

    You put a claymore 90 degrees to the door and if the target is ADS or crouch walking through the door, the targeting lazers will detect the target through the wall and pointlessly detonate. Regular walking through the door depends on how close to 90 degrees the claymore was placed. Sometimes it resulted in a kill, sometimes it didn't depending on that 10-15 degree difference. Sprinting through the corner always resulted in a kill.

    The method OP suggested of deploying the claymore in a way where it's detonation cone doesn't go through the wall is the only way to guarantee the mine will detonate correctly and net a kill.
  9. FailureOfEngineering

    Thanks for taking the time to confirm. Did you happen to take video so I could attach it to the thread?
  10. EPIC389

    Useful tips but still, why would i do this when there are so many idiots lining up at the vehicle terminal?
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  11. IceMobsterrr

    Indeed, claymores are not working as they should. Just had a guy stand right in front of it and it didn't go off until the point he ran away back into the cover behind the wall. Rofl.
  12. stalkish

    All mines are broken.

    • Drove over enemy mines in vangaurd, nothing until my van had cleared them, then detonation
    • Watched enemy mag sit on my mines for at lest 3 seconds, nothing, they drove off and my mines didnt even detonate
    • Ran into a room, saw a claymore, heard a click.....nothing, turned around to watch the claymore explode harmlessly behind me
    • placed betty beside doorway, enemy HA runs in and rounds the corner, has a cup of tea, watches a few youtube videos, then my mine detonates.
    This isnt to mention mines STILL fall through the floor (since BETA) making them invisible to approaching vehicles / infantry.

    Id also point out that i have had several shots from my titan AP not register over the last few days. These were not misses they were clear hits at close range, mags, harassers, prowlers.
    Also a problem atm is being able to use vanguard shield, sometimes it just doesnt want to enable at all, sometimes it lags a second or 2. Other times you take damage before your screen tells you, so when you do manage to get your shield on you've already been killed by your enemy on their screen, so you get to watch your blue shielded vanguard explode. All this makes optimal use of the shield difficult.
    Fights are very one sided with a locked down prowler when your shield doesnt work and 1 or more of your shots dont register :rolleyes:.

    In short, the ridiculous lag on the servers lately is the problem.