Post GU04/05 Latency and glitches

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Duff_Chimp

    This has been bothering me since the release of GU04 and every post about it seems to get buried without a trace.

    I can't be the only person noticing sketchy lag, especially in battles? Collision with things that you appear to have avoided, guns not firing consistently, random non-specific framerate fluctuations also...

    I know hotfixes went out and the frequency of the problem diminished for me, but i still get issues now and again with my framerate, just not as severe as straight after the patch. The latency is something else though i just can't get my head around it, pinging the server in Holland gives me 50ms on average, no matter when i do it.

    Yet in the game sometimes the lag is horrificly bad and very noticeable when flying, as friendly and enemy pilots will warp, and being able to train your gun on targets becomes stuttery and uncontrollable. I perhaps should also mention the turret bounce that now occurs on tanks. Probably unrelated but coupled with this has really left playing this game for any period uncomfortable and frustrating.

    Please tell me i'm not the only one experiencing these problems...
  2. Sincore

    I myself have gotten this strange latency issue before. Usually whenever I'm in a high density combat area I experience a very noticable delay in stealthing and firing my weapons. This only really happens to me when I'm on my flash with wraith module. For example I'd click the stealth key and it would stealth me 2-3 seconds after the input and once I leave stealth it takes 2-3 for the server to register me as "out of stealth" and allow me to shoot my Flash weaponry. Only really started being a problem after GU04.

  3. Xind

    I've had a lot of people die long after the last bullet was dealt. You know, where they still get a chance to shoot you some, then keel over without further affects. I've seen corpses skittering around something fierce lately too and I've had what feels like a lot of fail shot registers. I'll see the shot register, the enemy model will flinch, but at the kill screen they will have taken no damage on shields or health.
    • Up x 2
  4. Duff_Chimp

    Been playing today and it happens like post GU02 where you had problem repairing things, the repair gun keeps cutting out. It happens for the rotary gun, i'll be holding down left mouse button to continually fire and it wil stop and start, or stop completely and i have to repress the button.

    There is a little voice in the back of my head saying my mouse is ******. I really hope not, but i will continue to test it. Mouse works fine in Windows and other games currently...
  5. Vansoth

    They must have taken the bulk of the server farm to make sure the MLG players have a great experience. Most likely cause IMO.
  6. CommodoreFrank

    I've had a boatload of simultaneous deaths from this since GU4. It seems both sides get a lot of free shots after they were dead on the opponent's client.