Possibly a bug

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by UnrealGaz, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. UnrealGaz

    so ive noticed that when I equip my blackjack shotgun on my TR char on miller my fps spikes up and down 40-60 however when I switch back too my tmg I get a rock steady 60 fps.switching characters too my nc and vs also gives 60 fps. could we get someone too look into this please as it makes itunuseable as the stuttering of frames is horrid.

    only happens with this gun rest are fine at 60fps.anyone else have this?

    can 100% confirm it is the weapon doing this
  2. UnrealGaz

    no one elese having this? only happened after a small update yesterday
  3. UnrealGaz

    *update* upon further testing the frame rate drop or stutter happens when you run with the blackjack equipped.if you walk or stand still it does not happen.

    Edit* Seems too have something to do with the target reticle on the shotgun itself