Population imbalance makes alerts no fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by talmaru, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. talmaru

    I have yet to be in an alert fight that was not totally dominated by 1 faction in population
    Usually along the lines of 60%-20%-20%
    Maybe its just the people on Matherson
    • Up x 1
  2. Tsume

    On a related note, the people with the lower cap's just steamroll the other continents while they are locked-out of joining the continent that the alert is on because of population.
  3. talmaru

    Current alert on esamir
    60% blue population
    20% red population
    20% purple population
    = why bother playing it's not worth my time and I don't feel like ghost capping on another continent
  4. TrenchDigger

    i am pretty sure why you see such large imbalance on the alerts. people want to win free easy xp so badly that as soon as the alert pops, whatever population has the lead those tools log out and log into said faction.

    Thats the only reason i can think of.
  5. talmaru

    Esamir alert
    56% blue
    22% red
    22% purple
    ended 20 minutes early total domination
    = why bother playing them no use fighting 2vs1
  6. Zenith

    Well, TR supposedly has pop advantage on Miller, but nearly always lose alerts. Make of that what you will.